
The story of Lt. William Johnson, pilot of crashed Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress 'Spare Parts'. April 13th 1944.

The story of Lt. William Johnson, pilot of crashed Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress 'Spare Parts'. April 13th 1944. At the junction of the A2070 near the village of Hamstreet , Romney Marsh, Kent, stands a modest memorial commemorating the crash of a Boeing B-17G Flying Fortress and the death of its pilot, Lt William H Johnson. The US Stars and Stripes flag flies permanently at the site, which is visited by many people and looked after by a small group of locals. As with many other crash locations in the UK, each has its own unique story; this one began in the summer of 1943 at Harvard Air Base, Nebraska. Lieutenant Johnson graduated from Washburn High School and joined the United States Army Air Forces (USAAF) in August 1942. He formed Crew 57 in Nebraska during July 1943 and had been taking every opportunity to fly in B-17s whenever he could find a willing co-pilot, regulations dictating that the aircraft needed to have at least two crew members on board for each flight. The airme

Bravery of Persian Women

Bravery of Persian Women Around 24 centuries ago, the Persian army was fighting a war against the Greeks in which they were defeated. The hopeless and injured soldiers returned home. But they didn’t receive a warm welcome. Persian women, who heard that the soldiers were returning home after a defeat, were afraid that the Greek army would follow them and invade the city. What would happen then? At that time, when an army conquered a city, they were allowed to do whatever they wanted as a reward. Most of the time, those soldiers didn’t do noble things. Instead, they used to do horrible things like looting and killing. The Persian women were aware that all these things would happen to them and their children if they didn’t take any action. But what on earth could they do? They couldn’t go to war because they didn’t know how to use a sword, and there wasn’t enough time for practice. But they could persuade their men to return to war. They decided to show their disappointment and scorn towa

Hitler systematically murdered roughly two-thirds of Europe’s Jews:

Hitler systematically murdered roughly two-thirds of Europe’s Jews:  about 6 million of the 9–10 million living in Europe before the war. The large and vibrant Jewish communities of Eastern Europe were wiped out. The profound evil and the tragedy of the Nazi death camps of WWII are the most widely known feature of the Holocaust; but, from the very moment they came to power, the Nazis began implementing their systematic program of terror and violence directed primarily towards Jews. This is an essential point to make, because it means their actions were not the unfortunate necessities of war, but were in fact a plan to eradicate an entire people. . . . Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Party, like other parties on the far right during the interwar period, saw attacks on Jews as a winning electoral strategy. But the Jews were always central to Adolf Hitler’s view of the world. He had picked up anti-Semitism in the nasty and polarized politics of Vienna before World War I. Afterward, he became leader o

Korean Service Corps A-Frame Pack

Korean Service Corps A-Frame Pack In the summer of 1950, North Korea invaded South Korea.  The U.S. military presence in South Korea was not nearly large enough to sustain the war effort required and was in desperate need of manpower.  The creation of the Korean Service Corps is therefore traced back to a July 26, 1950, Presidential Emergency Decree No. 6 signed by South Korean President Syngman Rhee. The decree allowed for the legal commandeering of all the national assets indispensable to fighting a war. One of the most crucial resources needed was manpower.  Men became liable to conscription to provide the personnel needed to assist in various tasks to include the supplying of troops. In the area of transportation, members of the Korean Service Corps carried supplies on their backs with hand-made wooden framed backpacks called "A-frames."  These frames enabled an individual to carry 50 pounds of supplies/equipment per person.  They carried the supplies to places that could

Near-naked fight breaks out between 4 women over married man at casino

Near-naked fight breaks out between 4 women over married man at casino Four women smacked down in a ritzy Las Vegas casino a couple of Wednesdays ago, dressed in skimpy skirts and thongs. They were allegedly brawling over a cheating married man Danielle Pertusiello and her friend, Amanda Collado, walked into a bathroom on the first floor of an upscale Las Vegas hotel and casino. Seconds later, they were accosted from behind by two other women - struck "by closed fists in the back of the head," according to a Las Vegas police report obtained by Fox News Digital. A massive brawl ensued, which spilled out into the lobby of the upscale Wynn Las Vegas, where a poker tournament was taking place. The four nearly naked women grabbed at each other, ripped at each other's scanty clothing and hair and smacked each other with their heals and flip-flops, video shows. Throughout most of the ordeal, the women's thongs were exposed. The police report, which is heavily redacted, revea

The World Cup of Dirty Dreams: Inside Brazil’s Most Infamous Brothel

The World Cup of Dirty Dreams: Inside Brazil’s Most Infamous Brothel Full of beautiful women and XXX behavior, Rio de Janeiro's Centaurus has enticed celebrities, soccer stars and anyone else willing to pay a fee and go inside. We go behind the doors of a scandalous sin palace After four years of tending bar at Centaurus, the most elite brothel in the sex-for-pay melee that is the recklessly beautiful city of Rio de Janeiro, Sergio Limas — 47 years old, pleasantly gruff and handsomely handlebar mustached — had become unfazeable. Even though it was forbidden, clients would often try and get him to come into one of the upstairs rooms, to sleep with him, or to watch him sleep with the girls whose time they had paid for. There were displays of lavish grandiosity: Limas says that after Brazil claimed ultimate victory in the 2002 World Cup, one of the team’s soccer gods, known for a famously healthy sexual appetite, shut the place down to have his own private party (extra decoration that

Wearing Paint Instead of Clothes on the Streets of New York

Wearing Paint Instead of Clothes on the Streets of New York Naked bodies of all shapes and sizes became artists’ canvases at a public art exhibition. Across from a Pret a Manger near Union Square Park, Nicolette Barischoff held still as an artist painted an open blue eye across her sternum on Sunday. It was around 88 degrees and a crowd had assembled around them. But the temperature and the audience did not faze Ms. Barischoff. Nor did the fact that she was naked. “It’s a very Zen experience,” she said, as photographers snapped pictures from behind police barricades. “This is my fishing.” Ms. Barischoff, 38, a writer in Los Angeles, was among the 60 people who had paid $100 to become mostly nude human canvases for 40 artists during NYC Bodypainting Day, a public art exhibition that has been staged annually since 2014. This year’s installment was the 10th — and the last, according to the event’s founder, Andy Golub, an artist. He said he was ending it to focus on other projects for his

Naked woman kicks police as she is arrested for driving around on motorbike in the buff

Naked woman kicks police as she is arrested for driving around on motorbike in the buff A strange spectacle took place last week on a bridge in Brazil as police snagged a naked woman on a motorbike before she launched a vicious attack on the officers A woman was dragged literally kicking and screaming after police caught her zooming around on her motorbike in the buff. The strange spectacle took place last week on a bridge that connects Vila Velha and Vitória, capital of Espírito Santo, a state in southeastern Brazil. Videos circulating online show the woman naked from the waist up, wearing only green bikini bottoms, a helmet and sunglasses as she zooms through traffic on the road. She stopped the vehicle at a toll booth further down the road and she walked with her breasts out, holding a plastic bag, until she was approached by two military police officers. Videos from witnesses show the agents holding the woman as she kicks out at them.

All aboard! Fisherman capture incredible moment two bear cubs hitch a ride on mama grizzly while she swims in Alaskan river

All aboard! Fisherman capture incredible moment two bear cubs hitch a ride on mama grizzly while she swims in Alaskan river Cute video taken on Father's Day shows a mother grizzly swimming across the Agulowak River in southwest Alaska with her two cubs on her back The mother, with her cubs clinging to her back, diligently swims to the shore in the short clip Alaska is home to around 32,000 brown bears, and human sightings are very common  With winter hibernation coming to an end, one may stumble upon a bear and her little ones enjoying the fresh air.  And in this cute video taken on Father's Day, a mother grizzly swims across the Agulowak River in southwest Alaska with her two cubs on her back. The video was taken during a king salmon fishing trip that included Outdoors Sportsman Group‘s Steve Smith and GCI Agulowak Retreat General Manager Dave Roseman. Cute video taken on Father's Day shows a mother grizzly swiming across the Agulowak River in southwest Alaska with her two

**He immigrated to Canada after having been a professional soldier

**He  immigrated to Canada after having been a professional soldier,   decorated for his bravery in the face of enemy fire, and returned to his  homes on wounds... He re-enlisted and died at the front a few months  later... James William Dames** James William Dames is born 20th November 1871 in London to John Ambrose Dames (1845-???) and Mary Ann Raysbrook (1847-???) He  has 3 brothers - John (1867-???) - Frank (1873-1977) - Albert Edward  (1878-1944) and 3 sisters and 3 sisters - Annie Elizabeth (1869-1949) -  Kate (1876-???) - Zoe (1880-???) He was educated in the public school of London. He was 14 years old when the time came for him to enter the working world and start earning a living. He chose to join the army and enlisted in the Sherwood Foresters (Notts and Derby Regiment) in 1885. He  spent several years in this regiment as a professional soldier and rose  through the ranks until he reached the rank of serjeant. He married Florence Coneybeer (1874-1961) 26th July 1897 in East