Lighter, Amphibious, Resupply, Cargo, Fifteen Ton (LARC XV) LARC XV-78
Lighter, Amphibious, Resupply, Cargo, Fifteen Ton (LARC XV)
In the 1950's the Army set about creating a new generation of Amphibians to replace the DUKW. Three vehicles came out of this; The LARC V, LARC XV, and The BARC LX
(renamed in the early 60's to LARC LX.). The LARC XV was more of a counterpart to the smaller LARC V (5-Ton), providing the Army with a long range medium capacity cargo carrier.
The LARC XV had an aluminum hull, four wheels, and a folding front ramp for self loading of vehicles. The LARC XV was also large enough to fit a single MILVAN onto its deck. The unique Plexiglas bubble allowed the driver to see over tall cargo on the deck.
The LARC XV's did not see as much use that the smaller LARC V's and even the larger BARC LX's (LARC LX) in their career and they started to be retired in the 1980's in favor of the short lived LACV-30.
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