Mystery naked woman 'looking distressed'

Mystery naked woman 'looking distressed' spotted running through the street by onlookers

Police are investigating the incident after at least two people filmed the woman running naked in a clearly distressed state

An unknown woman, looking distressed, was spotted running naked through a street.

Footage recorded by onlookers shows the mystery woman walking briskly past houses and trying to talk to people.

Video of her emerged on social media, and she was filmed by at least two motorists who saw her in the Crumpsall area

Police were called and looked for her - but the woman had vanished.

The woman, who was thought to be in a distressed state, was filmed in Middleton Road, Crumpsall, on Saturday, April 1, shortly after 7pm

In one video, she can be seen walking briskly past houses and appearing to try to talk to passersby One pedestrian was sufficiently worried to call Greater Manchester Police, who sent officers to the area, but after a search the woman could not be found.

Although no crime has been reported, an investigation has been launched to establish if any may have taken place, and GMP is now asking anyone with information to come forward


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