In December 1945, in the Egyptian town of Nag Hammadi,

In December 1945, in the Egyptian town of Nag Hammadi, a farmer stumbled upon a

 remarkable discovery. While working his field, he unearthed a sealed earthenware jar containing 13 leather-bound papyrus books. These ancient texts, now known as the Nag Hammadi codices, were the work of early Christians called Gnostics, written during the first several centuries AD. The books included the gospels of Thomas and Phillip, as well as other previously unknown secret gospels. Among these religious writings were also poems, instructions for mystical practices, and a description of the origin of the universe.

The discovery of these texts shed significant light on early religious issues, biblical texts, and history. However, they also mentioned a mysterious race of creatures known as the archons. Scholars like Nick Redfern noted that these archons were described as definitively reptilian. David Icke further elaborated on their characteristics, describing them as robot-like, machine-like, and therefore very predictable. He noted the parallels between the machine-like nature of reptilian animals and certain aspects of human society, suggesting a deeper connection.

This led to an intriguing question: Could the stories of the archons be describing actual reptilian humanoid beings? And could our so-called reptilian traits be the result of alien engineering? Many point to the biblical story of the Garden of Eden, which is often seen as a unique account. However, similar stories can be found around the world, suggesting a common theme of human creation and genetic manipulation. Some researchers, like David Icke, propose that these stories are not about the creation of humans as we traditionally understand it but about a moment when human genetics were altered, introducing what he calls archon genetics—symbolized by the serpent in Eden.

One theory even suggests that the Garden of Eden was actually a laboratory run by extraterrestrials, where humans were ultimately created. This raises the possibility that human beings are the product of genetic manipulation by alien visitors, and that our ancestors were some form of reptilian-human hybrid. Ancient astronaut theorists support this idea, believing that reptilian humanoids not only existed on our planet tens of thousands of years ago but that they continue to live among us today.


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