On this day, 5 May 1818, Karl Marx was born in Trier,

On this day, 5 May 1818, Karl Marx was born in Trier, Germany. Living until the age of 64, Marx was a journalist, revolutionary socialist, philosopher and economist, and one of the most influential figures in world history. 

He inspired hundreds of millions with his works, including Capital which, over a century later, remains the most incisive critique of the capitalist system. 
Though his wife was from a wealthy background, Marx and his family often lived in abject poverty, and four of their children died in infancy. His children who survived to adulthood all became socialist activists in their own right, including his eldest daughter Jenny who also died before him.
Despite his often difficult circumstances and the tragedy in his personal life, Marx was also well up for a laugh. For example, his friend and biographer Wilhelm Liebknecht recounted an evening pub crawl in west London in which he, Marx and another German friend, Edgar Bauer, drunkenly began ridiculing "English snobs". Soon, "Threatening words were spoken, the brains began to be heated, fists were brandished in the air and – we were sensible enough to choose the better part of valor and managed to effect, not wholly without difficulty, a passably dignified retreat." 
As they retreated, Marx and his entourage began smashing street lamps by throwing stones at them, until being spotted by a policeman, whereupon they had to flee down back streets and alleyways.
In the Communist Manifesto he co-wrote with Friedrich Engels, Marx noted that "The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles." And while Marx's ideas have been used by some to justify politicians and parties purporting to act on behalf of the working class, Marx was clear that ultimately: "The emancipation of the working class must be the work of the working class itself." 
You can get works by and about Marx here /all/karl-marx


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