Reconstruction of an ancient Roman bikini on basis of a mosaic from Villa Romana del Casale in Sicily, Italy :

Reconstruction of an ancient Roman bikini on basis of a mosaic from Villa Romana del Casale in Sicily, Italy :

Deep in the Sicilian countryside, a grand Roman villa from the early 4th Century AD, offers a glimpse into the luxury of Late Antiquity through colorful mosaics and frescoes that cover the

 grounds of some of Italy's best-preserved works of art. Although its origins are shrouded in mystery, Villa Romana del Casale is a historical guide to the lives of its aristocratic owners, their passion for ostentatious beauty, and the elite tastes of the High Empire. Some rooms of the villa are decorated with less formal decorations and more playful mosaics depicting scenes from mythological tales, hunting expeditions, athletic competitions, and other pastimes the owner probably enjoyed.

Around 1960, “Gymnasts' Room” also known as "Ten Young Girls" was excavated and an elaborate mosaic of female athletes in magnificent condition was uncovered. These women are depicted running, lifting weights, and participating in various Olympic sports and receiving awards; wearing bikinis that closely resemble modern swimsuits or bikinis, giving scholars insight into the athletic fashions of the period. At the same time, myth incorrectly entrenched in school textbooks, bikini as an invention of 20th Century CE, collapses.


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