Huge bear crashes through a window and into terrified 11-year-old boy's bedroom before going on the rampage in Alaska

Huge bear crashes through a window and into terrified 11-year-old boy's bedroom before going on the rampage in Alaska

Zach Landis, 11, was shocked when he saw a black bear after it crashed through his bedroom window in Anchorage, Alaska, on Monday
The beast broke through both a screen and the glass pane of a garden-level window but was immediately spooked when Zach screamed
Leaving claw marks and blood on the wall, the bear scrambled to get back outside, leaving everyone unhurt
An Alaskan family is still getting their bearings together after they had a beastly intruder break into their home. 

On Monday, a black bear had broken through the garden-level window of 11-year-old Zach Landis tiny bedroom in Anchorage, Alaska and was whimpering like a scared dog in the room.

Zach screamed, and the man-sized animal bolted back out the window and disappeared, he said of the encounter at his home on a large, thickly wooded lot.

Zach Landis, 11, poses under claw marks and a blood stain left by a black bear after it crashed through his bedroom window in Anchorage, Alaska, on Monday
'Mom, Dad, there's a bear in my room,' said Zach, running into his parent's room to tell them what happened.

His mother, Alisa Landis, assumed Zach had had a bad dream and told him he could sleep with them in bed and when the boy insisted he had seen the bear, she stated that it had to be an intruder. 

Jon Landis, Zach's father, went downstairs to check and found the shattered window and shouted 'Call 911' when he saw the broken glass.

The beast broke through both a screen and the glass pane of a garden-level window but was immediately spooked when Zach screamed
While no one was hurt, the animal did leave claw marks along with black hair and some smidgens of blood in the room. It also left behind a repugnant odor, having smelled like wet, filthy dog.  

'The odor lingered for hours,' Alisa Landis said.

The incident was the latest encounter between bears and humans this summer in the nation's largest state, including four maulings in the past two weeks.

Two people were killed by black bears in what are believed to be rare predatory attacks, but predatory behavior is not believed to have been what drove the bear in Monday's residential visit. 

Not without a trace: Leaving claw marks and blood on the wall, the bear scrambled to get back outside, leaving everyone unhurt
State Fish and Game officials said that the bear seemed to have gotten in the house on accident and quickly fled in a panic.

The Landis family just returned to Alaska last fall after leaving the state about a decade ago. In the last couple of weeks, they've had their share of bear experiences.

Before the bedroom escapade, they saw another, smaller black bear crossing a busy street in south Anchorage during a family bike ride. And on Wednesday, they discovered a bear had broken into a trash bin, pulling out a garbage bag, which was slit open like it was done with a sharp knife.

Their neighbors also saw a large black bear in the days before the window caper.

'We don't live in a state of fear or being paranoid or anything,' Alisa Landis said. 

'But we're also much more cautious and more alert to checking your surroundings.'

The day after the incident, state Fish and Game biologist Cory Stantorf visited the home to talk to the family and try to determine what happened. 

 'We don't live in a state of fear or being paranoid or anything,' Alisa Landis, Zach's mother said. 'But we're also much more cautious and more alert to checking your surroundings'
Like the Landis family, he speculates that the bear might have seen its reflection in the window and charged at it.

It stays light late during Alaska summer nights and the window had blackout curtains to make the room dark that would have created a mirror-like refection in a window behind it.

Stantorf said he knew of only one case where a bear crashed through a window. It was more than a decade ago and was prompted by a dog chasing the bear. He considers Monday's incident a fluke.

'Super, super rare occurrence,' he said. 

'I don't know what's rarer than rare.'


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