Armor is not a new concept to the history-enthusiasts and the popularities.

Armor is not a new concept to the history-enthusiasts and the popularities

. However, when considering armor in the context of Vietnam’s history or the World’s, there are many ambiguities and unresolved misunderstandings
In this series of writings named “Discussion about Armor”, we aim to share the knowledge, information collected during our process of researching and re-producing armor to the public.
Definition: “Armor” refers to the wearing that provides protection to the body against physical contacts and harms.
By nature, “armor” is a type of armament. Therefore, from either perspective of researching or reproducing, armor can be analyzed by two key elements: “Indented Function” and “Manufacture Attributes”

“Indented Function” includes:
Possible usages: Slash resistance, Thrust resistance, Projectiles resistance, Shock resistance, Firearm’s projectiles resistance.
Usage Scenario: On foot, on horse-back, on boat. 
“Intended Functions” will determine the overall structures of the armor, flexible or stiff; the parts need to be in one-piece or multiple pieces; the number of armor layers.

Thrust resistance armor would have a more unify and solid structure like plate armor or tightly weaved lamellar.
Armor used on horseback would need the flexibility at the torso. Upper and lower body parts could be separated into 2 pieces or connected by a flexible structure.
“Manufacture Attributes” includes:
Primary Structure: Plate, Lamellar, Scale, Gambeson, Chainmail, Brigandine/Coat of Plates
Materials: Organic origin such as: Bones, animal scales, hide, leather, types of fabrics and threads; Or Metallic origin such as Copper, Bronze, Iron, Steel, …
Techniques: Metallurgy and blacksmithing; Leather works; Sewing and weaving; Lacquer works.
Maintenance: Storing and repair damages; Coatings of lacquer, oil, wax. Repair and replace.
“Manufacture Attributes” determines the price as well as the time, effort need to produce the armor.

Steel plate armor would require high-level blacksmithing skills.
Chainmail would take time to produce.
Lamellar is simple to produce and repair.
A full set of armor would normally be a combination of many components listed above.

The armor depicted in the drawing below is a foot-soldier armor. It consists of 2 main layers of armor worn over thick cross collared tunic. It is slash, thrust, shock and projectile resistance.
The inner armor layer, covering to the knee, is steel chainmail.
The outer armor layer is a coat of plates, with plates of armor riveted onto a vest made from layers of fabrics and leathers.
The shoulder armor is steel scales armor, riveted onto hide/leather.
The armguard is hardened and coated with lacquer. 
In our future writings or future re-productions, we would approach and analyze the armor base on these two elements of “Intended Function” and “Manufacture Attributes”. Going from the very foundation to the top.
(To be continue)


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