Dramatic moment police dragged a naked

Dramatic moment police dragged a naked woman by her HAIR along the ground

 during protest against Jacinda Ardern's hardline vaccine policies
Freedom convoy' arrived in New Zealand's capital Wellington today
A naked woman attempted to jump through police barrier before being arrested 
Hundreds of vehicles driven from across the country blocked roads into the capital and around parliament in latest protests against Covid rules
Demonstrators say they oppose Prime Minister Ardern's hardline policies 
Scenes turned ugly as several demonstrators clashed with officers on Thursday 
A total of 120 people had been arrested by last night according to police 
Ugly scenes erupted in New Zealand's capital on Thursday as hundreds of 'freedom' protesters clashed with authorities - with a naked woman being arrested after diving through a line of police officers. 

The woman was dragged away by her hair before being detained as protests against Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern's hard-line Covid policies turned ugly. 

Hundreds of cars, trucks and motorbikes carrying thousands of people drove from across the country began converging in Wellington on Tuesday morning to start the protests, inspired by Canada's Freedom Convoy which has paralysed Ottawa.
Hundreds of cars, trucks and motorbikes carrying thousands of people drove from across the country began converging in Wellington on Tuesday morning to start the protests, inspired by Canada's Freedom Convoy which has paralysed Ottawa.

Traffic slowed to a crawl as vehicles blocked roads around parliament and in other key locations, before taking to the streets to wave banners and placards demanding the return of freedoms, denouncing vaccine mandates, and attacking the Labour prime minister.

Crowds of hundreds then gathered in front of parliament to hear speakers and shout slogans, with some pitching tents and vowing to remain for the 'long haul'. Ms Ardern said she has no intention of engaging with them.

Police created a barricade between the demonstrators and parliament buildings, and several violent clashes broke out between the two sides.

Shocking footage from the scene showed people attempting to break through the barrier, with several being arrested and led away including the fully nude woman. 

Police had arrested more than 120 people and charged many of them with trespassing or obstruction by yesterday evening. 

The officers wore protective vests but didn't don riot gear or carry guns, and engaged violent protestors in hand to hand combat.Paris police have banned 'freedom convoys' inspired by Canadian truckers protesting against vaccine mandates that have threatened global road chaos.

Hundreds of motorists are currently en route to France's capital from the southern city of Nice demanding an end to Covid restrictions.

But the Paris police prefecture fears they will paralyse the city and have declared the convoy an 'undeclared mobilisation' in a bid to avoid similar scenes to Canada's capital of Ottawa which has suffered nearly two weeks of gridlock.

Police have warned those those taking part in the protests risk a two-year prison sentence, a three-year driving ban and a €4,500 fine.

But the demonstrators say despite the threats they will continue with their planned route to the French capital before moving to Brussels, hoping the new measures will bring further attention to their cause.

Wellington local Stu Main said the protesters felt their concerns about rights being eroded were not being heard by the government.

'I'm actually vaccinated but I'm against mandating people to be vaccinated,' he told AFP. 'I think it's disgraceful, forcing vaccination on people who don't want it.' 

New Zealand, where more than 76 per cent of the population is full vaccinated against Covid, has mandated vaccine for some professions - such as police, doctors and soldiers.

A pass system is also in force, cutting off some public locations for those who have turned down the jab. 

Many protesters also oppose mask mandates - such as those in stores - and champion the ideal of more 'freedom'. 

Vaccine passes are currently required to enter restaurants, sports events and religious gatherings - though they are not required for public transport, supermarkets, schools or for patients visiting healthcare settings. 

Police said they had told everybody attempting to cross the barricade opposite the parliament buildings that they were trespassing.

'Police have appealed repeatedly to protestors to leave the grounds and have begun evicting people from the precinct,' said Superintendent Corrie Parnell, the Wellington district commander. 

'While police acknowledge people´s right to protest, this needs to be conducted in a way that does not unfairly impact on the wider public.'

Several of the Wellington protesters carried Canadian flags, including an expatriate named Billy, who declined to give his surname. 'I'm just supporting the brothers in Canada, fighting for freedom over there,' he said. 

Two convoys have spent several days winding their way towards Wellington: One of which started in the town of Bluff, the southernmost point of the country, and another in Cape Reinga, in the far north


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