The circus year in review is an annual review published on this website by the end of each year. You can find link to the previous year's reviews at the bottom of the circus news page.

The circus year in review is an annual review published on this website by the end of each year. You can find link to the previous year's reviews at the bottom of the circus news page.

The quality of the performances in the Danish circuses was like previous years very high.

For the seventh year in row the Danish circuses got competition from DR television’s Big Band’s and the Muscular Dystrophy Foundation’s Circus Summarum. The Summarum-performances are not circus, but children's theatre that takes place in a circus environment. 

The tent used by Circus Summarum is rented from Circus Arena which due to this is less annoyed with the competition than other circuses. The Summarum tent has 2,350 seats and thus room for more spectators than any circus tent in the Nordic countries.

Unlike other art forms the Danish circuses does not get any sort of public subsidy.

Some municipalities permit circuses to use the local circus lots free of charge. This applies for example in Copenhagen. An excellent example which more municipalities should follow! Unfortunately, in some municipalities the trend is in the opposite direction: the rent for circus lots increases. Also in other respects circuses in Denmark are struggling with rising costs.

The performances in 2015

In school’s winter holidays in February CIRCUS KRONE had performances in Aarhus. BENNY SCHUMANN presented his mini circus in the Elsinore City Shopping Centre. CIRCUS MASCOT had performances in in Herning Shopping Centre and Aalborg Shopping Centre. JIMMY ENOCH produced a show called Enoch's Circus Show. In week 7 in Bryggen shopping centre in Vejle and the following week in Friis City Center in Aalborg. ISABELLA ENOCH presented winter circus in 9 arenas in Jutland. The Circus Museum in Hvidovre, Copenhagen, featured a show with the Skating Ernestos.


Circus Arena

The largest circus in the Nordic countries Circus Arena could this year celebrate their 60 year anniversary. They opened their season in Copenhagen on 17 March.

This year they tried to get new customers into the tent by having Signe Lindkvist and Uffe Holm (a popular host from Danish TV programs for children, respectively a stand-up comedian) as leading characters in the performance. Arena has previously used popular comedians etc. as draw. And now it was Signe and Uffe, who had put the performance on stage and participated in it with gags, reprises, small skits and a story about a dog who would like to join the circus. And, of course, a lot of words, as one of the hosts were a stand-up comedian.

Some found that it was nice with a new type of circus host. Others believed that Signe and Uffe spent too much time talking and completely forgot that a ringmaster’s primary task is to highlight the performers and not to promote himself.

The two hosts Signe Lindkvist and Uffe Holm. Photo: Rud Kofoed / Ajour Press

The show began with bang as the human cannon ball Carlitos Ugalde was shot from his canon and landing in a net in the other side of the tent. Arena takes its roots serious: it was on the fairgrounds, it began - with human cannonballs and the wall of death. Therefore, Arena always has one or more acts from yesteryear.

The high speed juggler Michael Ferreri was a gifted juggler with the quivering dynamics and the fast drive that characterizes the real juggler. He could hold nine juggling balls in the air.

Then Uffe and Signe had a skit about the little dog which would like to join the circus, but wasn't admitted. And then Laura Berdino presented a very beautiful liberty horse act. Where do you today meet 12 horses? This could be seen here - 6 white and 6 brown Arabs. Following Laura Signe Lindkvist entered the ring dressed as a horse / pony - accompanied by Patrick Berdino and 12 ponies.

Laura Berdino presented six brown and six white Arabian horses. Here she is seen with the white Arabs

Next came an aerial act - solo trapeze, performed by Ekaterina Karmashova. Among the difficult tricks was a 3-double pirouette before she grabbed trapeze bar with her legs.

Lindkvist and Holm had then an interlude where they were dressed as dancing, padded aliens / monsters / fable characters with face and rear.

And then came Wolfgang Lauenburger with his award winning dog act with 9 dogs of different sizes and breeds. But nice because he only use a few props. The dogs are dancing, trilling, running, rolling, standing in bridge, building pyramids, almost without receiving commands. Due to an engagement elsewhere Wolfgang Lauenburger had to leave before the end of the season. For the last few weeks he was replaced by Suzanne Berdino’s nice dog act.

The first part of the performance ended with a trip to the fairgrounds. Diorios globe of death is a direct descendant of the barrel-shaped Wall of death which as elder people remembers from fairs etc. Here the atmosphere back, although with lack of smell of burnt fuel. Incredibly that seven riders can swirl around that way.

The Diorio troupe with seven riders in Globe of death (4 at the top part and 3 in the bottom part) were among the attractions in Circus Arena 2015.

Second part of the performance began with Jhon Rivera and Patrick Berdino doing a classical knockabout table act. Patrick proved that he is a well-trained, versatile artist who can be used in many contexts - at a high level.

Uffe Holm set the stage for the next issue, which was Alvertino troupe. A fine teeterboard act with 10 artists who did a 5 man high and finally a 6 man high - with a public invitation from Uffe Holm: "If they can do it just go berserk."

The Alvertino troupe did a 6 man high. Several of the troupe's artists were members at the Cretu troupe which toured with Circus Arena in 2014

And no circus without clowns. Jose Michel and his two partners made their entrée where a restaurant visit is interrupted and ends up in the splashing with water. The act has been in Denmark many times before, but it was fun. Unfortunately the clown trio’s saxophone playing part of the act had been deleted by request from Uffe and Signe. Too bad!

And then time had come to elephants. Rudi Althoff presented Arena’s three elephants in a quiet, sympathetic act where the elephants showed their agility, despite their heavy weight, and their ability to work together.

Then it was almost time to break up. But before that the tiny dog Monty was allowed to travel with the circus. All ended well as in a fairy tale and even to the tune of the Danish composer Sebastian's song popular You are not alone.

The final act was the Danish magician Hans Ulrik, who made his debut in a large circus. He conjured up pigeons out of soap bubbles and out of the air.

Circus Arena ended the season on September 6 in Charlottenlund.

An episode in Karrebaeksminde July 10 gave the Circus Arena mention in press and TV which they probably would rather have been rid of:

For many years it has been an attraction when the elephants from the Circus Arena cross the Grasshopper Bridge in Karrebaeksminde and later take a swim in Karrebaeksminde bay. The event took this year place on a Saturday and attracted more spectators than usual. People surged forward and ran in front of and behind the 3 elephants Lara, Jenny and Jungla as if they were toys. It irritated the elephant Jungla so much that she kicked at a car which was somewhat damaged. No persons were hurt. The incident gave rise to renewed debate about whether it is justifiable to have elephants in a circus or not.

More positive for Circus Arena is was that Benny's grandson Patrick was participating in the Danish version of ‘Strictly come Dancing’. The expectations to the young acrobat were very high. He and his family were a little disappointed when he and his partner only got a 6th place.

Also positive for the family was that the first criminal court in Naestved and later the High Court dismissed Jackie Berdino of criminal responsibility due to a collapse in June 2013 of a tent which Circus Arena had rented out to a company event in Kalundborg. Tge Prosecutor claimed that Jackie Berdino "for profit of serious playfulness or similarly ruthless had posed an immediate danger to anyone's life or limb." But the judges didn’t agree.

As usual Circus Arena put in the beginning of October a performance on tour in Greenland.

As previous years Circus Arena kept their winter quarters in Aarslev open during the winter holidays, summer holidays and autumn holidays. Circus Land, as it is called, offered sea lion show, wild-west-show, pony rides, playground, museum etc. as well as short performances in Circus Landino.

Circus Arli

Circus Arli opened their season in Fløng on 30 March.

This year was season no 45 where the Arli family invited the audience into their small tent which can seat 220 persons. And it was the 35th time in row that season opening took place at the Mill Hill in the Copenhagen suburb Floeng.

The multi-talented Alexander Arli opened the show with the well-known entrée where the audience shall applaud. One clap from the left side of the tent and two claps from the right side. Next Martin Arli entered the ring and song a welcome song while all the artists entered the ring, including the circus bear Micha. Actually the ring in Circus Arli is a stage.

First artist act was Romanian Miss Mirela with elegant aerial acrobatics in a net.

 "We have caught a super herring," as Martin Arli said. In Danish a super herring means a luscious girl.

A herring in a the net - Miss Mirela

Next the bear Micha entered in the ring and stole Martins honey jar and revealed his magic trick with the three scarves.

Multi-talented Alexander Arli does every year a new trick. This year he was a firefighter who should rescue a cat hanging on a tiny platform high in the circus dome. The cat was a doll so animal lovers have no reason to worry. Of cause Alexander couldn’t reach the cat and brought some boards and a drawing into the ring. The boards were assembled to a table which Alexander could stand on. Some of the boards were later removed without collapse of the table!

Alexander Arli in his act with the boards

A beloved part in an Arli-performance is Martin Arli's magic. The number was presented by Bettina Arli with a funny scarf on her head. The explanation came, however: after having conjured a lot of flowers Martin spirit Bettina’s head away! Luckily enough she got it back. The magical entrée continued in ultraviolet light, where Martin teared off a thread in bits and pieces until it magically became whole again. The entrée ended with the trick with the scarf, which turns into an egg. Where Martin first revealed the secret of the trick and then turned the egg into a glass so one could understands that his revelation only was half the truth. The audience cheered.

The last act before the break was elegant rola-bola balance with Italian David Robert. Unbelievable that he without tumbling down could keep the balance on the many cylinders and balls!

David Robert

After the break Catalin came on stage juggling with balls. Both in the air and by bouncing them into the floor. He ended up in a blistering speed to have 7 balls in the air at the same time.

Mr. Gallingani alias David Robert then had a funny entrée where he dressed as a pizza delivery guy did plate spinning. Finally there were 8 plates rotating.

Circus Arli has their own clowns: Martino & co. This year, they changed their name to Martino and Alejandro, and Alexander had as in 2013 taken over his grandfather Soren Arli's role as a white faced clown. After a musical introduction they did the famous mirror entrée which is my favourite classic clown entrée. At least when it is performed with so much charm and elegance, as in the Circus Arli! Circus Arli was this year the only circus in Denmark which offered classic musical clowns.

Martino and Alejandro - glorious musical clowns

The performance's last act was a talented trapeze duo, Duo Alerim (Miss Mirela and Catalin). They showed great and daring casts - nice that a thick mattress was placed underneath them on stage. They worked, however, very safe and did not need the mattress.

Duo Alerim. To see more photos from the show: Click here

Circus Arli closed the season on 25 August in Sengeløse.

Circus Baldoni

Circus Baldoni opened their season in Lyngby on 25 March.

 “Always make sure that the last act in the performance is a strong act” has for many years been common practice in the circus industry. And Circus Baldoni follows this principle. The last act in the 2015 performance was Abu Brothers (called Abada Boys in the printed program) who presented an outstanding good Risley act. The act aroused fond memories about the Fratelli Errani’s golden clown awarded Risley Act! Great that René Moenster had been able to find those two young Ethiopians.

By tradition it was the clown Danilo who opened this year's show. This year dressed as a groom who while sweeping the ring (in Baldoni a stage) was disturbing Hélène Ramer who played the synthesizer. Danilo ended up dressing up in his clown costume in the ring.

After Baldoni’s traditional opening song Duo Khulan entered the ring with a handstand act performed on a specially designed pedestal, see photo.

Duo Khulan

The two female artists from Mongolia were followed by Russian Katerina Markevich in an act with a small dog.

Then we meet the versatile Danish / Swiss acrobat Hélène Ramer in an inventive entrée in a rope ladder. The act ends with her head down playing concertina.

Then you meet René Moenster and Danilo in the classical gag with the dishes. The entrée where Danilo after smashing a lot of dishes in his mouth catches a bullet from René’s revolver.

The clown entrée was followed a diabolo act where Anton Tarbeev got help both from his spouse Katarina and their son Anton Jr. Senior ended up sitting on a unicycle and catching diobolos which he threw up on top of the other diabolos which he balanced on his head.

Anton Tarbeev. Photo: Rud Kofoed / Ajour Press

The first act after the break was a reunion with Duo Khulan. This time they were dressed as cats and did spectacular contortion act.

They were followed by a new entrée with "tiny Danilo", who looked just like a mini version of Danilo! You meet him as Elvis and many other rock stars.

Tiny Danilo. Photo: Rud Kofoed / Ajour Press

Next Katarina was back with a nice foot juggling act where she juggled with scarves. After the scarves Hélène Ramer was back. This time with an entrée in cloud swing. A welcome change from the inevitable tissue-acts.

The Spaghetti-gag where the clown invites a fine lady into the restaurant is probably created by Toni Alexis. At Baldoni you see it in a nice and funny version with Danilo, who is joined by his girlfriend Cindy and makes sure that she gets both champagne and spaghetti - elsewhere than on the plate and the glass! The audience cheered when Cindy at last threw a pie in the head of Danilo.

You got pie! Danilo and Cindy is also in the private life is a couple

And then came as the final act: the two brothers from Ethiopia with their Risley act. The eldest brother is 20 and the younger brother a little younger. Their skill and pace is impressive, and they are also happy, smiling and charming. Can they keep their style they are raising stars which you in a few years will be able to meet in the large circuses.

Abu Brothers (Ababa Boys). Click here to see more photos from the show.

The tented season closed in Tureby on 15 August, but was followed by a few weeks of performances in arenas in the Faroe Islands and Iceland.

BALDONI'S CHRISTMAS CIRCUS had in November and December performances in six different arenas on Zealand, including in the fencing hall at the Circus Museum in Hvidovre. A shortened version of the performance was all the Sundays of Advent shown presented in Ishøj Shopping Centre. In addition, they produced under the name CIRCUS PIXIE FUN a number of performances for kindergartens etc.

Circus Benneweis

Friday 20 March Circus Benneweis had its season opening performance in Hillerød.

"Very beautiful, musical, masterful and memorable" wrote Frederiksborg County Newspaper about this year’s Benneweis performance which they gave 5 stars. So did the leading Danish newspaper Berlingske Tidende and Rud Kofoed from Ajour Press.

Among the audience at the opening night in Hillerod on 20 March, it was agreed that it was the best Benneweis performance for many years. Many, also some circus owners, believe that it even was the best 2015 performance in any Nordic circus. There was a lot of praise both to the young managment duo Nadia and Dawid Benneweis, as well as to their mother Diana, who had helped booking the artist for this year's show. Diana was chairman of Circus Benneweis plc but had from this season handed over the daily management to her twins. By the end of the season Diana Benneweis withdraw from the board leaving the old circus to the young generation.

Benneweis presented a classic circus performance but with much innovation. Partly because the classic clowns have been replaced by two young modern clowns and Steve and Jones. For example, their musical entrée proves that it isn’t a “must” for musical clowns to start the act playing "Over the Rainbow" from the seating. Especially the younger half of the audience was enthusiastic about Steve and Jones.

The show featured 4 trumps: the fabulous diabolo juggler David Confal, the dog and horse trainer Rosi Hochegger, Duo Vanegas in the wheel of death and Cong Tian on slack wire. All acts in the absolute world class.

Cong Tian - the world's best on the slack wire

The show was opened by the trumpet and saxophone playing Jones Caveagna. Then followed a small sketch where Nadia Benneweis was in the office and phoned around and booked artists before welcoming the audience.

Nadia Benneweis and the performance's enthusiastic ringmaster Kim Kenneth. Photo: Rud Kofoed / Ajour Press

The first number was 6 beautiful tinker horses from Swedish Circus Olympia's stables, presented by Ingrid Silva. Wonderful to see the big beautiful horses in the ring without any sort of harness!

Then came an entrée with Steve and Jones, where Steve showed what a smartphone can be used for. Bu the end of the entrée through dating app, where his brother Jones was more successful in making a date with a beautiful girl than Steve! The children squealed with delight!

Steve Caveagna

The clowns were followed by David Confal with the best diabolo act I ever have seen! At one time he mastered 2 diabolos with each hand, and he ended up by having 4 diabolos in the air. No doubt that David has a great future ahead of him.

David Confal - masterfully diabolo act. Photo: Rud Kofoed / Ajour Press

It was many years since we last time saw parrots in a Danish circus. But at the Circus Festival in Budapest in 2014 Diana Benneweis met the couple Franco and Adel who along with their 6 Ara macaws and 3 Sun parrots presented a great act. All talk about the circus parrots probably having clipped wings had to be silenced when first the sun parrots and later two of Ara macaws took a flight in the tent.

Costin Pity Bellu presented the number in comical trampoline, which in January earned him a special prize at the festival in Monte Carlo. His entrée with the flying broom is probably the best comic trampoline act you anywhere can see today.

Costin Pity Bellu

After Costins blazing entrée Steve & Jones were back in the ring. This time with an acrobat act which was disturbed by Steve’s mobile.

The last act before the interval was Rosi Hochegger and her dogs. Lovely happy and playful dogs. Completely understandable that number got her a silver clown in Monte Carlo in 2014.

After a short musical entrée with Jones Duo Vanagas entered the ring with their wheel of death. I have never seen anyone enter the wheel of death wheel in such a cool a way as Alejandro Vanegas. And the jumps on the outside of the wheel are incredible. He even did a couple of somersaults, i.e. a stunt which the legendary Crazy Wilson until now has been the only one who regularly performed. Duo Vanegas master also backward walking on the outside of the wheel death. I have never seen others do so. Today they are the Kings of the wheel of death!

Duo Vanegas. Photo: Rud Kofoed / Ajour Press

At the circus festival in Budapest in 2014 you saw Franco Olivera’s act Macho Gaucho - a raving lunatic gaucho flirting wildly to the right and left. He was this year part of Benneweis performance. Excellent!

The Argentine cowboy was followed by Rosi Hochegger and her horse Scout. The interaction between the two is absolutely fantastic. Rosi has taken over the number after her famous father Tony Hochegger. But as Don Stacey wrote after last year's Monte Carlo festival Rosi's version is today even better than her fathers.

Rosi Hochegger and Scout

The performance's ringmaster Kim Kenneth assisted by his girlfriend Jessica and the artist girls Ingrid and Crissy presented his elegant illusion act where Jessica in a magic way disappears in boxes and are brought back year's Benneweis performance

Then came Steve & Jones' music entrée. Jones started playing saxophone and was disturbed by Steve, who would much rather play loudly on his ghetto blaster than listening to Jones saxophone. Of cause they ended up playing together. The entrée proved that you can easily make a classic musical clown entrée up to date.

The performance's last act was Chinese Cong (pronounced Song) Tian on slack wire. Many Danes remember the number from Benneweis 2010 where Cong Tian as the first artist ever in a Danish circus was greeted with standing ovations. The same was the case at the opening night in Hillerod. The many contemporary circus artists who believe they are stars on the slack line, has a lot to learn before they just approximately reach Cong Tian's level! And he is even 56 years old.

The performance was put on stage by Kim Kenneth, who has a great deal of the honour for making it the best Benneweis performance for several years. The artists were booked by Diana Benneweis and her advisor. But presenting the acts in an elegant way and make it a fast and smoothly running performance is also important. Kim is a master of doing so.

By the end of Circus Benneweis’ last performance in Køge on Saturday 2 May 2 there was a bad accident. The performance's last act was the fabulous slack wire acrobat Cong Tian. He ends his act by rotating around the wire with high speed. During this trick the wire broke and he landed head first in the ring. He was immediately taken to hospital. Cong Tian could leave the hospital after a few days but the doctors advised him to take a long break before again starting to perform. For the many who since then have asked how the sympathetic Cong Tian is doing there are good news: After a 6-month break, he is again back on the wire. Currently, he appears at the Palazzo Colombino Basel, where the crowd greeted him with a standing ovation. "Now I can come back to stage work again I am very lucky. I believe that Good exists. So I have to say thanks Good," Cong Tian writes on facebook.

As a replacement for Cong Tian Circus Benneweis booked the English aerial artist Robert Foxall who made a great act in aerial straps.

Another accident, although unnoticed by most of the audience, was that one of the Tinker horses became ill and had to be euthanized. So at the end of the season there were only five horses Tinker in the Tinker entrée.

Circus Benneweis closed the season in Copenhagen on 30 August

In September Circus Benneweis offered their winter quarters Hulerødgaard in Dronningmølle for sale. Dronningmølle is a small seaside hamlet in North Zealand,

The Benneweis family bought Hulerødgaard in 1938. When the Benneweis family acquired Hulerødgaard the circus had lots of animals and a year-round staff to care for them. Since 1996 Benneweis has not had their own animals, but instead engaged foreign artists with animal acts. Since then part the property has been used as storage space for the circus equipment out of season, while other parts, such as the old stables and training ring, has been empty or used as storage rooms.

Dawid and Nadia Benneweis intend to continue to run Circus Benneweis but want to make certain changes in the concept. Thus, the sale of the old winter quarters will not mean that the world's oldest circus, established in 1887, will close. However it is likely that Circus Benneweis will take a break in 2016 and not be on tour until 2017.

Circus Dannebrog opened the season on 26 March in Vojens.

"Showtime" was the name of Circus Dannebrog’s 2015 performance. And it certainly was showtime when children and adults meet for almost 2½ hours of good and genuine circus entertainment in Circus Dannebrog’s red and white tent.

After an opening where a number of the artists came in the ring on roller skates and in colorful costumes, the Finnish trapeze- skate star Heidi Mary was lifted into the air. She has a past as a figure skater, but has now changed to inline skates and presented a number in which she combined trapeze, dance and skating.

She was followed by this year's clown, Charly Carletto from Spain. In most of his entrées which clearly are inspired by the famous David Larible, he invites one or more spectators into the ring. However he is not intrusive and treats his guest with respect. He has not as some other reprise clown the bad habit to try to make his guest ridiculous. His first gag was the well-known gag with catching an imaginary ball in a paper bag.

Charly Carletto is the performance's recurring character

Next the Estrella troupe entered the ring. Six men and two women from Cuba. In their first act they did some formidable leaps from a Russian swing from which artist was thrown meters high in the air and landed on a thick mattress which was lifted up by other artists.

Then it was time again for Charly Carletto. This time with the well-known boxing entrée where he, with the help of 6 persons from audiences made a boxing match, which of course ended up with Charly getting knocked out.

There are circuses, which had more of larger horses in the ring than Dannebrog har this year. But if you love classic liberty horses, you could nowhere in Scandinavia find a better and more elegant act than the one with Gabi Donnert and 6 beautiful Arabs: three white and three brown.

Gabi Donnert - the most elegant liberty act you could see in any Scandinavian circus in 2015

After a short run-in with Charly Carletto time had come to the performance's top act: Alain Alegria in Washington trapeze. He did dangerous balance tricks in the trapeze. Both when it was at rest and when it swung either side to side or forward and backward. He has taken over the act from his uncle Sabu Alegria.

The daredevil Alan Alegria, here balancing on a chair

After the break followed in the best Isabella Enoch style a parade (what Americans would call a "spec"), i.e. a spectacular number with several different elements: A short clown run-in. A few camels with turbaned Arabs. A little girl with a hula-hoop ring. Human pyramid builders. A fire-breathing fakir. And at last a magic carpet on which a singing Jazz Malaika was flying in company with an Arab prince, while Gabi Donnert presented 6 beautiful camels.

Camels and a flying carpet

The entrée was followed by an act with the elephant Ramboline, which, like last year worked together with Jazz Malaika. The elephant act was followed by an oriental tableau where Charly Carletto as snake charmer got a tiny girl up of a basket. After that she did some tricks in a low-hanging trapeze.

Next came Gabi Donnert’s talented young son Sandor in the ring. He mastered the difficult art of juggling standing on the back of a galloping horse. He was the best juggler on horseback act I have seen for many years. Bravo!

Sandor Donnert - perhaps todays the circus world’s best juggler on horseback

After Sandor great act the prop gang started to build up the equipment to be used for the Estrella-troupe’s main act. The layout was complicated and took some time. In the "perfect world" the equipment should be build up during the break and the act should be the first act after the interval. However Charly Carletto did some gags while the ring was occupied by the prop gang and no spectators felt bored.

The Estrella troupe's act is a vertical bar act combined with aerial cradles and offers plenty of jumps and swings. Very spectacular!

The Estrella troupe. By courtesy of Circus Dannebrog. To see more photos from the show: Click here

The performance's last act was Charly Carletto with movie entrée. The one where he with the help from four persons from the audiences is shooting a movie with a wife and her lover who is surprised by the jealous husband.

In addition to the artists mentioned above, there is good reason to praise both the pretty and well-singing Jazz Malaika who just as in 2014 was ringmistress as Tino Aeby's well playing band.

In August, it appeared that there were problems with Danish working permissions to the Estrella troupe which had to be taken out of the performance. They were replaced by the 4-man large Soloman Wolf family, who did nice acts with formation juggling and ladder balancing.

Circus Dannebrog closed the season on 27 September in Gram.

Circus Krone

The tiny Danish Circus Krone opened their season on 19 April in Silkeborg

Irene Thierry has never had ambitions about making her small circus the largest circus in the Nordic countries. Or about presenting better artists than any other circus. She will much rather make her small circus to Denmark’s most friendly circus which with family-friendly ticket prices and presenting a performance for the entire family. A performance where they also is exploiting the proximity to the audience which you can’t get in a large circus.

The clown Alando in Circus Krone’s ring

This year the performance was made by two artist families plus Irene Thierry and her spouse Jan "Alando" Allan.

The first artist couple was Nedyalko and Veselka. Nedyalko did cube-juggling and Veselka presented first a handstand / contortion act and next a hula hoop act. In the hula hoop act she was assisted by the couples young daughter Yana.

Nedyalko with elegant cube juggling

Dressed as a white cat Veselka has a fine hula hoop entrée

The second artist couple was Hélène and David aka Duo Kom'Ça. Hélène worked in tissue, David in aerial straps. Together they did a floor acrobat act.

Duo Kom'Ça

The performance's recurring person was the clown Alando. First, with his mischievous ponies and later with "dangerous" animals: a penguin and as something new in Circus Krone a giraffe. (Both the penguin and the giraffe are dolls with a person inside). The performance ended with one of Irene and Alando's most beloved clown entrées: First Alando walked around in the tent and disturbed everyone and had to borrow a ticket from one on the audience when Irene demanded to see his ticket. Later he entered the ring and he and Irene did their "solo concert for two" on xylophone.

Irene and Alando with their solo concert for two. To see more photos from the show: Click here

Circus Krone closed the season on 14 September.

Circus Mascot

On 1 April the Deleuran family’s Circus Mascot opened their season in their home city Roslev on at terrible windy and muddy lot. But it was sunshine, and on muddy lot you could see Circus Mascot’s tent as a beautiful yellow and red flower. The title of this year's show was: Just for fun. And fun it was - and in between the fun you saw some strong circus acts.

The clown Gulio was the recurring character. He is remarkable, because every year he creates entrées which are entirely his own. He presents them with joy and the spark of madness which every good clown needs. Moreover, he has a fine ability to capture reactions from the audience and using them and return them, so there will be a ping-pong that eventually ends in a cordial, friendly atmosphere. His last entrée this year was, however, an entrée he has borrowed from other clowns: the one where a street photographer will shot a film about a proposal and where selected persons from the audience play the different characters. It is often seen in these years, but Gulio manages to shorten it down to 5 minutes so it isn’t a long draw out.

His son Husik was this year diabolo juggler. Last year it was the hula hoop rings, but he is also good in handling the diabolos.

And then there is the multi-artist Daniel. Also he renews himself - and as the skilled artist, he is, he is able to perform the different disciplines at an amazing level. This year he balanced on a slack wire. And what a quality! He juggled with 4 rings while he was standing on one leg. He sat on a chair, balancing on the line. He standed up from a lying position without using his hands. And he put a scarf on the line, and lying on his knees, he picked it up with his mouth. What more could you want in that discipline? 

And he continued with a demanding juggling entrée together with the clown Gulio. They worked with 6 balls and 8 clubs.

Marianne and Andreas Deleuran presented 11 dogs. There was probably since last year some replacement in the big bunch of dogs. But the number was living, agile and speedy. One trick followed another. And there were many tricks.
Andreas presented furthermore four ponies before you meet a cavalcade of funny animals. You met Alfred and Luna, two Canadian dwarf pigs which try their luck as soccer players. The goose Baldrik was promenading in the ring before the mountain goats Kurt and Erika showed their skills to climb obstacles and balance.

Tetyana did an act in tissue. The act was aesthetic and beautiful also because it was so focused on the choreography. This applied to the entire performance where the color scheme is black, yellow and red. Tetyanas act is classic, but here performed with strength and energy.

Oneil performed a powerful act in aerial straps, and his second act was also powerful: Disguised as the horrifying gladiator Ratokules he did a handstand act. Difficult, and it requireed a lot of physical strength. Combined with a strong ability to keep the balance even in difficult body postures.

Circus Mascot closed the season in Glyngøre on 26 September.

From April 29 to September 12 the actor and comedian Soren Ostergaard visited a number of cities with his Zirkus Nemo which he called Denmark's only circus for adults. And the audience at the popular performances looks more like the traditional theatre audience than as the family audience you meet in other circuses. And it does not bother this audience segment that ticket prices are at the level of what a ticket costs in a theatre. Both audiences and critics were enthusiastic about the performance and enjoyed meeting Baker Jorgen, The Smash man, Tim Kim and the Tim Marble Man, all aka Nemo's owner Soren Ostergaard. As co-hosts had Soren Ostergaard the circus princesses Tina Gylling Mortensen and Sigrid Husjord. Additionally, we met a number of god artists: the phenomenal Finnish bird magician Marko Karvo, the Ukrainian acrobat troupe Crazy Flight, the female trapeze artists Duo Trapeze and the charming bicycle and poles artists Duo Lyd.

Years ago you could see artistes in many amusement parks. But this is unfortunately history. However, all Sundays during the season you meet the clowns Charlie and Binalto at the amusement part Bakken north of Copenhagen.

During the school’s autumn holidays CIRCUS MASCOT had performances first in Bilka supermarket in Vejle and then in Bytorv Shopping Centre in Horsens. CIRCUS ARENA produced a performance for Kolding Shopping Centre. CHARLIE AND BINALTO from Circus 3 appeared in Frederiksberg shopping mall. At the Circus Museum in Hvidovre you could see the contemporary circus performance the little circusgiant with Joel Degerfeldt.

Circus on TV is not as good as "the real thing". But especially in the winter season better than nothing. In the coming weeks Swedish television broadcasts two of the performances in the Swedish circuses:

On New Year's Eve at 20 SVT1 broadcast 60 minutes extracts from Circus Olympia's performance from 2015. It is repeated on SVT1 the 1 January at 06:25 and on SVT2 3 January at 12:05.

1 January at 19 SVT2 broadcast 60 minutes extracts from Circus Maximum 2015. It is repeated by SVT2 on 4 January at 15 and 6 January at 16.05.

Andrejs Fjodorovs was one of the performers in Circus Maximums 2015. He had his international debut in Danish Circus Arli in 2008. Photo: Tobias Schött

Years ago both Danish channel DR and Danish channel TV2 send several circus programs: Extracts from the performances in e.g. Circus Arena and Circus Benneweis, transmission from the Circus Festival in Monte Carlo and various documentaries on both big and small circuses. But times have changed. The only “circus” performance which DR this year broadcasts is Circus Summarum which isn’t circus, but children's theatre taking place in a circus environment. It can be seen on 31 December at 18:05 on DR Ramasjang.

The excellent Danish bike acrobat Jimmy Enoch is among the participants in the upcoming edition of Danish channel TV2’s program “Denmark has talent” which will be send first time 26 December at 20. The program is inspired by the American Got Talent, which aim to find the best amateur talent in the categories of song, dance, comedy etc. In the Danish version, however, you will also meet professional performers such as Jimmy.

In addition to performing in circuses at in Denmark and abroad as well as with the Flying Superkids Jimmy has appeared as cycling mosquito in the children’s theatre performance Egon The Cycling Mosquito.

Dancing with the stars in Circus Arena. On facebook Circus Arena writes (my translation): "Patrick Berdino invite his Stricly come Dancing-friends James Sampson and Sara Maria Franch-Mærkedahl in the ring when the circus season 2016 kicks off with a bang of a performance. The trio unites showbiz, musical events and circus traditions. We look forward to see you to "Strictly come circus." There's opening night on March 16 at Bellahøj in Copenhagen and from April we are touring Denmark."

According to the tabloid Ekstra Bladet it is the intention that Patrick and Sarah Maria will present the program, while James Sampson primarily will sing. Director Benny Berdino will just welcome the audience and not at previous years be ringmaster.

Sara Maria Franch-Mærkedahl won the Danish version of Strictly come Dancing in 2014, and James Sampson ended this year in 5th place, one position better than Patrick Berdino.

Neither James Sampson or Sara Maria Franch-Mærkedahl have any artistic background. James is a singer and Sara Maria an announcer of the weather forecast in TV2. After her success in Strictly come Dancing in 2014 she has also been host for programs relating to Strictly come Dancing.

Sara's father Seid Mærkedahl Cuchillo has a background as an artist. But it was long before he met Sara's mother. Seid comes from Iran from a small town Racht, located outside of Tehran. As a child Seid became interest in acrobatics and began an apprenticeship with artist troupe Iran Boys which at that time was world famous. Later Seid and his partner Mustafa formed the artist duo Two Wasyrs. They performed in 51 countries worldwide and were working in the variety theatre Lorry in Copenhagen in 1969. They also performed several times at the variety theatre Valencia in Copenhagen.

Christmas Circus Cabaret at AFUK. ”The last weekend before Christmas, some of the finest international artists gathers at AFUK to give you an impressive, high-flying, eccentric and enthusiastic show to ease you into the traditional celebrations ahead.., ..," read the press release for the 50 minutes long spectacle at Copenhagen’s contemporary circus school AFUK.

Big words which the performance not quite live up to although the artist duo Tuk & Sofie had several good acts 

In the show, which was presented four times over the weekend 19/20 December you met four young artists with connections to AFUK.

The four artists featured were during the welcome wearing dressing gowns, wigs and as for one of the performer’s party glasses. The first act was a female acrobat with a kind of cloud swing without much swing. She did not have the same charisma as the Mexican cloud swing-king Antonio Ramirez who the Danes many years ago met first with Benneweis in the Copenhagen Circus Building and later in Circus Arena. Or the same talent and skill as Finnish Liina Aunloa who inter alia, has appeared at Ringling. But today's artist was wearing a (artificial) beard.

From the welcome

Following a short dance act with all four performers we saw a comical knife throwing entrée before Tuk & Sofie had a fine act in trapeze with they almost used as aerial cradle. Previously I had only seen them doing floor acrobatics. But the aerial act is god and could with some adjustments easily do well in one of the large circuses.


One of the other artists had then a nice act in a low-hanging aerial ring, after which another artist in leopard costume showed a combination of handstand and contortion.

Artist in aerial ring

Leopard Woman
Tuk would then climb up in the trapeze, but could not reach it. Two of the female artists stacked then dozens of mattresses on top of each other, and Tuk made then a forward somersault and grabbed the trapeze bar with his feet. Amazing! The act ended with Sofie climbing up on the mattresses and on her back taking the "fainted" Tuk down.

A very short version of Tuk & Sofie’s floor acrobatic entrée went into a fine number with Sofie in swing trapeze. Among her tricks were both hanging in her feet and a somersault followed by grabbing the trapeze bar with her feet.  Great - and dangerous. However, for safety reasons she used a lunge, which however not came to use.

As the last act in the performance the 4 performers danced wearing wigs, while "I just called to say I love you" boomed out of the speakers.

All in all a nice performance which was worth the admission price of 50 DKK (7 Euro). But some of the children who saw the show were a little disappointed by the fact is not had much to do with Christmas. And in the press release is was perhaps a little too boldly to promise "some of the finest international artists". But of course, what can you expect to get for just 7 Euro?

Jackie Berdino not guilty. On 30 April the criminal court in Holbaek acquitted Jackie Berdino in a case regarding a collapse in June 2013 of a tent owned by Circus Arena. Jackie Berdino was accused of failing to ensure that the tent was properly anchored to the ground. Seven people were slightly injured in connection with the collapse.

The Prosecution appealed the case to the High Court where court hearing took place this week. And the decision from the 3 judges in the High Court was the same as in the criminal court in Holbaek: Not guilty.

The court based the acquittal on the fact that the tent and other equipment were in good condition, and that it was put up by staff with extensive experience in putting up tents. Jackie Berdino acted normally and could not know in advance that there was a risk that the tent could collapse.

Thus, the case finally settled. Although Jackie Berdino was acquitted, the collapse has had serious consequences for the whole circus industry in Denmark and led to stricter requirements for tent safety with considerable cost for all circuses which want to tour Denmark.

Circus Baldoni 2016.  Circus Baldoni writes (my translation): "In 2016, it is our season no 15. As it is a small anniversary, we have put our energies to present the best performance so far. We have booked some brand new acts which we never before have shown. E.g. the strongman Hercules who grabs a cannonball flying through the air. Where space permits, he is also run over by a car. We also have fantastic aerial acrobats, jugglers, balancing artists and of course the clown Danilo and the lion Leonardo who will come up with new gags ".

The Danish clown Danilo (Daniel Dimitrijevic) has sine 2009 worked for Circus Baldoni

Asylum homes in a circus tent. Robert Bronett from the Swedish Circus Scott has applied for permission to put up tents and shanties at Estö sports ground in Nynäshamn south of Stockholm. The intention is to house asylum applicants.

The Swedish Migration Agency is as a result of the refugee crisis in lack of accommodation for asylum applicants. Therefore the have started to use municipal sports centers, and they have also called for tents that can be used in winter as a temporary accommodation option. This is why Robert Bronett want to set up a winter insulated tents and shanties on the sport ground until April 2016.

Nynäshamns municipality welcomes according to the local newspaper Nynäshamns Posten the initiative, which could provide beds for 57 persons, mainly families. The current tent is 16x24 meters with space for kitchen, dining room, toilets and washing facilities. Outside the tent will be set up shanties to sleep in.

Circus Arena 2016. Circus Arena has now published the names of some of performers in the upcoming show. They write (my translation): "In September our three beautiful elephants trained by Rudi Althoff attended Cyrk Korona's circus festival in Poland. Both the audience and the judges were excited. Yes, actually our act was honored with both a gold medal and the audience award. A very great honor. Among the other award winners at the circus festival was also Circus Arena's world famous clown Jimmy Folco, who returns to our circus in 2016, and Trio Creation. Trio Creation is doing a handstand act out of the ordinary, presented by Sofia, Daria and Valeria, who also was honored with a gold medal. We are happy to present them in the ring in 2016 for our performance 'Strictly come circus.’ "

Cyrk Korona is the leading circus in Poland. They were in September this year the organizer of the VI Festival Talentów Warsaw Bemowo 2015. Bemowo is a district in Warsaw.

Jimmy Folco's Danish debut as run-in clown was at Circus Dannebrog in 1994. Previously he and his family had been with both Circus Arena and Circus Dannebrog. Season 2016 will be his 10th season as “house clown” in Circus Arena. Season 2015 he spent with Circus Arnardo in Norway, where his sister is married to the junior director. Previously he has also appeared in Europe's largest circus, the German Circus Krone. There you can also see him from 25 December to 31 January 2016, when he is part of the first winter program in the circus building in Munich "Moon Landing in der Manege".

Jimmy Folco is part of the performance "Moon Landing in der Manege" which is Circus Krone's first winter program. In the coming season, you can see him in the Danish Circus Arena.

Rudi Althoff also presented the elephants in Circus Arena in season 2015.

Rudi Alfhoff with Circus Arena’s 3 African elephants. Photo: Rud Kofoed / Ajour Press. Circus Arena and Circus Dannebrog are the only two Nordic circuses which still have elephants in the performance.

Circus Maximum 2016 – corrections.  A few corrections to the list of performers I published on this website dated 9 December: the aerial daredevil act is not done by Super Silva, but by Flabson (Francleib Rodrigues), who does a similar act. He has, among other circuces toured with Ringling's Gold Unit. Click here to see a video with his act.

Laura Urunova presents in Circus Maximum not only her fine number with poodles, but also her number as a juggler on horseback. In my review of her act in Norwegian Circus Arnardo in the summer, I wrote: "She worked elegant and very safe. First with juggling balls (up to 5) and then with clubs (up to 5). And finally with five large rings. Rare to meet a juggler on horseback, who never is losing a ball or a club. For this act and the act with dogs Laura was awarded bronze at this year's junior festival in Monte Carlo."

Laura Urunova - nice and safe juggling on horseback

Circus Maximum has sold their two elephants: 47-year-old Asian elephant Dunja and 28-year-old African elephant Daela. The first belonged to circus owner Bengt Källquist, the second to the chief animal trainer Anton Frank. The last few years the elephants have been on tour with Circus Maximum but have not been part of the performance, only of the visit to stables. Now they are sold at a wildlife park in Belgium. Thus it is completely finished with circus elephants in Sweden.


Circus in Ishoj Shopping Center. All Sundays of Advent Ishoj Shopping Centre has featured humorous Christmas circus with Circus Baldoni. In the approximately 30 minute long performances you met Pixie (René Moenster), Pixie Line (Cindy Binau) and the Tabeev family. The latter presented their diabolo entrée and mama Katarina’s act with a poodle. The last performances are the fourth Sunday of Advent, 20 December at 14 and 16. The performances have been well attended and have probably got several customers to visit Ishøj Shopping Centre, rather than one of the many other shopping centers in Copenhagen’s west / south coast district.

To the left Anton Tabeev and Mrs. Katarina with diabolo. To the right: Katarina and her poodle

The Christmas Pig Anton Antonius with Pixie aka René Moenster

The Swedish Circus Museum. Today the Swedish Circus Academy opened the new exhibition in Sweden's only circus museum, which has rooms on the 1st floor in the old school in Ingelsträda about 20 kilometers north of Helsingborg.

Head of culture Anneli Sjöborg and town clerk Peter Kovacs from Höganäs

Municipality opens the new exhibition.

At the exhibition, you can among other things see one of the Swedish High school rider Don Bertinos elegant costumes. Don Bertino appeared for several seasons in the at that time medium sized Danish Circus Arena, most recently in 1986. He has also appeared in the Swedish Zoo Circus, Circus Scala, Circus Möller and Circus Maximum and in the Norwegian Circus Arnardo

This bike was used by the famous vagabond clown Joe Jackson JR. As part of the act the bike fell apart and Joe then picked it wrong. Joe Jackson JR was several seasons with the Swedish Circus Scott.

After the tour of the museum there was entertainment with the Carling Family (the brothers Max and Ulf Carling and Max's daughters Nanna, Petronella and Linnea) and lectures by foreign correspondent and author Staffan Heimersson above
Among the performers were Max Carling who both masters tightrope, chair balancing, unicycle, acrobatics and as at the photo juggling. Max too plays clarinet and tenor sax. The Danish audience can meet him in Week 7, when he appears in Benny Schumann's Mini Circus in Elsinore Town Center.

Many from the world of circus had made their way to the event: Trolle and Carmen Rhodin from Circus Brazil Jack (accompanied by Trolle’s cousin Tony), Henrika Bengtsson and Natasha Jarz from Circus Olympia and Tino Rivero from Circus Maximum. The Danish table knock-about acrobat Freddi Steckel had also made his way to the Swedish circus museum. The Danish circus friends were represented by the Deputy Chairman Ole Simonsen.

Carmen Rhodin from Circus Brazil Jack gave the museum the costume she used in season 1991. To see more photos from the exhibition and opening events: click here

The Danish painter Helle Abildgaard turns 60 on Monday 14 December. She was born in Aarhus, but settled in Kerteminde together with her spouse the painter Viggo Salting. A lot of her paintings are from the world of clowns and acrobats, based in inspiration from several seasons when she and Viggo Salting travelled with Circus Benneweis. The inspiration in circus evolved among others to a meeting with the late mime artist Marcel Marceau, who Helle Abildgaard draw several sketches of in the small Théâtre Antoine in Paris.

The large Swedish Circus Maximum calls their 2016 performance of "Amazing Circus".

The performers are:

Anton Frank with horses and exotics

The Urunov family with High School riding, dogs and quick change

Duo Vanegas - wheel of death

Duo Pulsadas - hand-to-hand, hand-to-head and head-to-head balance

Los Hermanos Rodriguez from El Salvador – Risley act

Super Silva - aerial act

Francesco - clown

The skilled and sympathetic Anton Frank has for many years been chief animal trainer at Circus Maximum.

Ruslan and Elena Urunov presented their elegant act with High School riding together with dogs in Circus Benneweis in 2003 and the Norwegian circus Arnado in 2015. A charming puddle act with puddles of all sizes was in Norway presented by their daughter Laura, who also is a skilled juggler on horseback.

Ruslan and Elena Urunov with stylish High School riding. Photo shot in Circus Arnardo in April this year

The kings of the wheel of death Duo Vanegas was also at Circus Maximum in 2013. When they toured Denmark with Circus Benneweis in 2015 their act was even better than in 2013 and it is today the circus world best wheel of death act. Thus, the Swedish audiences can look forward to the reunion with Alejandro and Michael Vanegas.

Duo Vanegas in Circus Benneweis. Photo: Rud Kofoed / Ajour Press

The aerial daredevil Super Silva was one of top acts in Circus Dannebrog in 2012. He received a Silver Pierrot for his act at the Circus Festival in Budapest in 2014. He is doing acrobatic stunts between 2 trapezes and walking upside down under a bar which holds the trapezes.

Super Silva at Circus Dannebrog in 2012

The lovable and poetic clown Francesco (Francis Brunaud) was for several seasons with Circus Benneweis, most recently in 2005. In 2010 and 2013 he toured with the Swedish Circus Brazil Jack. He has also appeared numerous times in New York's famous Big Apple Circus.

Francesco. Photo from Circus Brazil Jack 2013

If you can see Swedish television: chanel SVT2 does on Friday, 1 January 2016 at 19:00 broadcast one hour summary from the 2015-performance in Circus Maximum. It will be retransmitted at SVT1 Monday, 4 January 2016 at 04:15.

Christmas Circus Cabaret at AFUK in Copenhagen. “The last weekend before Christmas, some of the finest international artists gathers at AFUK to give you an impressive, high-flying, eccentric and enthusiastic show to ease you into the traditional celebrations ahead…” (Quote from press release)

There are performances Saturday, December 19 and Sunday, December 20, both days at 14 and 20. Tickets cost 50 DKK. The performances last about 1 hour.

The address is Enghavevej 82 B, Copenhagen.

AFUK is a shortening for the Academy for Untamed Creativity. It consists of three different programs at three independent schools: A production school, a one day high school and a circus training school. Connected with AFUK is AMoC (the Academy for Contemporary Circus) which run a 3-year education for contemporary circus artists.

IT ALL HAPPENS IN PARIS -- in spite of the serious terror attacks recently - we want LIFE TO WIN - and thus continue all activities --   CIRQUE BOUGLIONE plays until March, offering a wonderful program -- in fact just a visit to the circus building, inside and outside, is well worth doing, the entire place has been professionally refurbished, conveying an idea of this historic site. 

Program:  Maestro PIERRE NOUVEAU with his orchestra, including 2 female musicians, violin and cello, -  original -  then presentation by Ringmaster MICHEL PALMER and the clowns DAVID LARIBLE AND ALBERTO CAROLI.

THE SALTO DANCERS, beautiful and well synchronized ballet, this ballet has become the hallmark of Bouglione.

HANS SUPPMEIER, presenting his 4 impressive tigers, an image of friendship and respect between man and animal.

Hans Suppmeier and his tigers. All photos by courtesy of Cirque d'Hiver Bouglione 

RAFAEL DE CARLO, juggler performing at a brisk pace, a favorite of the audience.

Rafael de Carlos. The Danish circus audience met him in Circus Benneweis in 2014.

LES ANASTASINI, featuring risley acrobatic stunts - youth, beauty and precision.

SHIRLEY LARIBLE, performing beautifully in straps, grace and elegance.


After intermission:  SALTO DANCERS - then flying trapeze, LE VOL DES DAMES /flying ladies/,

3 women who perform the classic flying trapeze act, invented by Jules Leotard, in 1859, in this very circus building.

JUAN GUTIERREZ surprises us by letting his Ara-parrots do their show, nice and colorful.

Jean Gutierrez. The Swedish audience met him in Circus Maximum in 2014

LES OLYMPOS, hand to hand acrobatics, strength and beauty combined.

From China, HOHOTE TROUPE, juggling bowls while riding high monocycles /giraffes/.

Troupe Hohote

CLOWN DAVID LARIBLE deserves a special mention - never before did I see a clown who interprets human feelings in such a masterly way -- BRAVO - and his success is well deserved!!

The king of clowns David Larible

FINALE with musicians, SALTO DANCERS and the entire troupe.

Flying Superkids at Østre Gasværk Theatre in Copenhagen. The talented jumping gymnasts from Flying Superkids are usually in the summer on tour in their tent. In the winter season the have performances in various sports centres. In January 2016, you have the opportunity to see the young super talents in Østerbro’s old gasworks’ beautiful domed building which is shaped almost as a slightly smaller version of the Copenhagen Circus Building. There are performances in the days from 8 to 10 January.

On 19 and 20 December 2015 the Flying Superkids takes a trip to Holland and join the Univé Gym Gala in the Amsterdam suburb Almere, where they are the main attraction. During the winter holidays they have shows in Norway in Langhus (February 12), Skien (February 14), Arendal (February 15th) and Tønsberg (February 17).

Flying Superkids is the main attraction at the upcoming festival in Almere, which do to this will be titled Flying Superstars.

Flying Superkids is a truly unique show from the Kingdom of Denmark. An elite team of performers from the gymnastic club and non-profit organization “Gymnastikgården” (aka “The gymnastic farm”). 

Founded in 1967, it started out with a traditional gymnastics-sports team, but through the years Flying Superkids has evolved into an internationally renowned show ensemble.

The show has now visited 35 countries and is seen by over 100.000 people live yearly.

The show is a high tempo mix of acrobatics, gymnastics, dancing, singing, comedy, tumbling and of course twists, double & triple summersaults on trampolines and other crazy equipment. A beautiful light design and a uniquely composed soundtrack support the various choreographies.

It is demanding to be a Flying Superkid, and only very few talented kids achieve the skills necessary to become a member of the ensemble.

The kids are not chosen through auditions, but are hand picked among the 400 members of the gymnastic club, "Gymnastikgården". They are not allowed to train more than 7½ hours per week in the gym, however they must complete a program of strength and flexibility exercises at home.

All of the children come from the area around Aarhus - the second largest city in Denmark - where the kids attend ordinary Danish public schools. The unique Danish school system offers the possibility for the kids to travel often – also on school days. When Flying Superkids are on tour, a teacher comes along to help with their school work.

The Superkids team consists of 50 children in the ages between 7 and 20, and they take turns to be among the 20-30 kids, who go on tour.

IT ALL HAPPENS IN PARIS -- unfortunately also terrorist attacks against theaters, cafés and places where people gather for entertainment; these attacks mean a loss of audience for many public places, also for circus. From earlier experience, we know however that a back to normal situation will occur, even if it takes several months, the atmosphere in town is not geared to entertainment.

CIRQUE ARLETTE GRÜSS performs rather well under these circumstances, offering an original program  - which was the aim when ARLETTE GRÜSS, famous trapeze artist, together with her husband GEORGIKA KOBANN, leopard tamer and son GILBERT  started the circus 30 years ago - so jubilee this year!!

Program under the elegant BIG TOP, sporting an excellent lighting, a live 11-piece band from MOLDAVIA and presented by KEVIN SAGAU:

CHARI VARI with the entire troupe,

ANTONIO ZATTA, with ara-parrots in a colorful act,

MATHIEU, clowning in between the acts, together with BELLINI, a multi-artist using comedy and magic, displaying a great joy of performing,


6 acrobats with a fast acrobatic display on bars, no name in the printed program,

TAMARA KHURCHUDOVA performing beautifully in solo trapeze,

LAURA-MARIA GRÜSS presenting well-kept and precise horses,

ALEX MICHAEL, acrobatic stunts between 2 trapezes, and performing as a spiderman, walking upside down under a bar that holds the trapezes - very original, today seldom seen.

Alex Michael. He toured with Swedish Circus Olympia in 2013 and with Danish Circus Arena in 2014. All photos by courtesy of Cirque Arlette Gruss

EMMANUEL FARINA with 4 lions, whereof one white and 2 beautiful tigers - a display of confidence between man and animal - very nice and sympathetic,

Emmanuel Farina with his tigers and lions

JOHN VERNUCCIO and MEDHI, 4 Indian elephants and girls in a traditional style,

ADELE FAME, beauty and grace in straps - her costume is excellent and underlines her stunts.

Adele Fame in aerial straps. The talent as aerial acrobat does not come from strangers: she is daughter of Tamara Khurchudova who also is one of the performers


Come and watch dance classes in various genres and circus training in different disciplines. This year we are open until 7 pm and you have the opportunity to visit us after work or school.

Other activities during the day are an excerpt from this year's Dance Festival, a music workshop on music to dance and circus, a presentation of the educational programmes and our mingle where you meet with teachers and students happy to answer your questions.

This year we also offer "try it on-classes" in jazz dance, street, modern and contemporary dance, folk dance and ballet where both lecturers and students of DOCH will teach, so please bring change of clothes!

DOCH's main building is located on Brinellvägen 58 and the Circus Hall on Brinellvägen 34 at KTH Campus. The nearest metro is Tekniska högskolan.

Circus Brazil Jack 2016. When the Swedish Circus Brazil Jack in March opens season 2016 in Malmo, you can meet a world class artist: German / Austrian Rosi Hochegger. The Danish audience saw her excellent entrées with dogs and her horse Scout in Circus Benneweis in 2015. For the acts she was awarded a silver clown in Monte Carlo in 2014. Last time Rosi was with Circus Brazil Jack in 2011. She told me this summer that she looked forward to be back at Carmen and Trolle Rhodin's circus. And as her participation now is mentioned at Circus Brazil Jacks facebook page, I do no longer need to keep it confidential.

Rosi Hochegger and Scout. Photo from Circus Brazil Jack 2011

Rosi Hochegger with one of her dogs, photographed just before the season's last performance in Circus Benneweis 2015

Circus Brazil Jack has not yet released the name of the other performers in the upcoming show. The opening date is not yet published.


Circus Arena resells tent. A few years ago Circus Arena bought a tent with a diameter of 45 meters from the Swiss Circus Salto Natale. They have never used the tent which has been in storage at their winter quarter in Aaslev. Now the tent is resold to the German One World Winter Circus, which gives performances in Cologne from 19 December to 6 January 2016. The tent can seat 1,900 persons.

One World Winter Circus is a brand new circus with Dutch Ilja, Katja and Willem Smitt as owners. They has previously produced Christmas circus in The Hague.


Obituary: Ingeborg Rhodin. Ingeborg Rhodin’s daughter Diana Rhodin write on facebook that her mother quietly passed away on Thursday 19 November. Ingeborg Rhodin was born in 1929 and was thus 86 years. She came from the famous circus family Gautier. In her younger days, she was an excellent rider. In 1954 she married Sweden's internationally most well-known circus person Trolle Rhodin, who at that time had his own circus, Zoo Circus, and later became artistic director at Ringling. Trolle Rhodin passed away in 1997. Ingeborg and Trolle Rhodin had 3 children: Trolle Jr., Carlo and Diana. The three siblings was previously co-owners of the Swedish Circus Brazil Jack, which today is run by Trolle Jr. and his wife Carmen Rhodin.

Funeral service will take place on 3 December at Holy cross chapel at Fosie churchyard in Malmö, Sweden.

Ingeborg Rhodin

The Swedish Circus Academy has sent me this obituaries (my translation)

A Circus Queen has left us

On 19 November Ingeborg Rhodin, Malmö passed away at the age of 86 years.
She was born into the ancient circus family Gautier and became "Europe's leading female horse rider" as it was stated at the Ringling’s posters. She was an artist of the 5th generation.

Ingeborg Gautier came in 1944 with the family's horses to Sweden and joined Trolle Rhodins Zoo Circus. In 1954 she married Trolle Rhodin and they got the children Diana, Carlo and Trolle Jr.

On the photo you can see Ingeborg Rhodin at the thoroughbred Lipizzaner Baby.

We send our warm thoughts to the family Rhodin in this sorrowful moment.

Ingeborg Rhodin at the lippizan horse Baby. Photo from Swedish Circus Academy's collection

As previously mentioned on this page the Danish gentleman thief Kenny Quinn was awarded Truxa's Memorial Scholarship 2015. The formal presentation of the scholarship took place at Danish Artist Union on 25 November. On the photo you can see Kenny Quinn together with the artist association's chairman Lena Brostrøm.


Baldoni's Christmas Circus 2016. Take

• Some nice artists, who, without being world stars, is doing nice acts

• a young clown couple who in addition to having right clown spirit also has the right Christmas spirit

• a lot of Christmas pixie costumes

• some tunes from the CD Most wanted Christmas hits

and let an experienced manager mix it all together.

Then you have Baldoni's Christmas Circus, which’s 2015-version had its premiere at the Circus Museum’ fencing hall on Saturday 21 November. There was full house and the audience was very satisfied with the performance. As an additional feature team Baldoni had ensured that it began to snow outside during the show, so the Christmas spirit also continued outside the fencing hall.

The performance's recurring figures were Pixie and Pixie Line (Daniel "Danilo" Dimitrijevic and his girlfriend Cindy). In the belief that Santa was delayed, they welcomed the audience, Nis wearing an inflatable Santa suit. It irritated the real Santa Claus (circus owner René Monster), who entered the ring on a segboard. However, Santa had quickly to leave as there were problems with the toy factory etc. So he left it to Pixie and Pixie Line to host the show..

Pixie conjured (the trick with 3 rings) and song, whilePixie Line tried to interrupt his singing by putting balls in his mouth.

The first artist was Katarina Markevich with the same foot juggling entrée with scarves, which she did the summer edition of Circus Baldoni. She was followed by Pixie with the Christmas pig Anton Antonius (a ventriloquist’s doll), who were terrified when Nis told him that you in Denmark is eating roast pork on Christmas Eve.

Next came the juggler Eduard Janacek. He juggled first with rings and then with clubs. Then came a brief interlude in which his and Mrs. Maria’s son juggled with balls. Then Eduard was back with hat juggling before he again grabbed the clubs. The act ended with cigar boxes. The entrée, where the juggler keeps more and more cigar boxes in his hands. After the obligatory drop - a part of the act - he ended up with 16 cigar boxes between his hands.

Eduard Janacek with cigar boxes 

Then he handed over the ring over to Mrs. Maria, who did acrobatics in a moon. Not as you often see in a hanging moon, but in a moon set on a tripod.

The girl in the moon - Maria Janacek

Then we met Natalje Tomilova with a nice act with two poodles.

After a short "musical" interlude with Pixie Katarina Markevich entered the ring with hula hoop.

Pixie Line and Pixie gave each other presents, before Eduard Janacek presented his rola bola act. First, he jumped on a board and roll up the stairs. Then he put his board on a ball and turned around, before using glass building three layers on top of his board and on top of it juggling with three clubs. The next trick was a gag, where he crawled through the ring before he ended the act with on his hands to go down the stairs.

Next was Natalje Tomilova back in the ring with a handstand / contortion act.

Pixia was then lead singer of "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer". All the kids and a good part of the adult song along. Click here to see a short video clip.

The performance's last act was the Tarbeev family with their diabolo-entrée with we also saw in the summer edition of Circus Baldoni. New was the couple's son with mother Katarina juggling with hats. As usual, the final trick was papa Anton’s trick where he sitting on a high mono bike sheds one diabolo after the other on his head. Also here with an ingenious mishap before he finally balanced 4 diabolos on his head.

In the finale we met all the performers and their assistants in Christmas costumes. As mentioned a nice Christmas show. "We will come back next year," my granddaughter promised Father Christmas (René Moenster) when we left the show..

Circus Nissesjov (Pixie Fun) in Ishøj Shopping Center. Every Sunday in Advent, you can as free attraction meet one of Circus Nissesjov’s units in Ishoj Shopping Center. Ishoj is a Copenhagen suburb. The performers are the Tarbeev family (Katerina Markevich and Anton Tarbeev) who during the summer season toured Denmark with Circus Baldoni.

Circus Nissesjov which is owned by Rene Moenster of Circus Baldoni, has two more units. All Nissejov-performances are sold performances, often with kindergartens etc. as purchasers.

Hans Christian Andersen Christmas market. On Saturday 14 November the Hans Christian Andersen Christmas market at Kultorvet in Copenhagen opened. It is Bettina and Martin Arli of the small Danish Circus Arli, who for the second year in a row organizes this Christmas market in the centrally located square which every day is passed by 38,000 people on their way to and from work. On the market you can buy Glühwein from Bettina Arli, mulled wine from Alexander Arli, batter cakes from Patrick Berdino, Christmas decorations from Susanne Breuning (well-known Danish actress) and much more. There is also a carousel and a mini train. The market is up to and including 22 December open every day from 11 to 199

The opening was marked by a pixie band which of course played The Pixie Parade March, and by Hand Christian Andersen and Santa Claus arriving in the vintage car which the popular Danish actor Dirch Passer many years ago used in the Christmas movie "The veterinarian’s foster children". The beautiful dummies are created by Tiina Myllykangas. Inside the dummies are hers and Lasse "Bonbon" Nørager’s two children Joakim and Julia. (Danish Bonbon and his Finish wife Tiina is a well-known clown couple which have performed over most of Europe including in Monte Carlo in 2007).

Martin Arli opens this year's Christmas market

The biggest one and the most original is CIRQUE ALEXIS GRÜSS, where ALEXIS GRÜSS and his wife GIPSY, of the BOUGLIONE family, have abandoned the old concept of traditional circus, after having used exactly this trademark for years.

They now proclaim that this show is geared mainly to people who love theatre, opera and cabaret, i.e. an adult audience.

The first part of the show features advanced horse acts, combined with equally advanced juggling, most of it performed on horseback.

We recognized the quality and joy of performing we always find at CIRQUE ALEXIS GRÜSS, a give-and-take between performer and horses, displaying mutual respect.

After intermission the audience sees LES FARFADAIS, 8 aerial acrobats, featuring brilliantly in several different props, in amazing figures, even in and above a water-pool.

Everything is highly original, great importance has been given to fantastic costumes and the music, directed by maestro SYLVAIN ROLLAND and his 8 outstanding musicians - accompany beautifully the entire show.

Absolutely unique -thus well worth seeing - in Paris, until March.

Virtuosos horsemen and aerial artists gathered for a unique performance between heavens and earth.

Baldoni’s Christmas Circus 2015. For several years Baldoni's Christmas Circus has only been presented during a single weekend. The venue has been the Fencing Hall at the Circus Museum in Hvidovre, Copenhagen, where they this year open the season in the weekend 21st / 22nd November. But this year Baldoni’s Christmas Circus will also visit a number of other cities on Zealand: on 25 November they are in Kalundborg, on 28 November in Naestved, on 2 December in Rødovre, on 3 December in Slagelse and on 17 December in Nykøbing F.

In the performance you will as always meet the Christmas pig Anton Antonius (a ventriloquist’s doll), Pixie and Pixieline and Santa himself. Among the performing artists are Katerina Markevich and Anton Tarbeev with foot juggling, an act with a dog and a diabolo entrée. The couple were part of Circus Baldoni's 2015 performance and toured with Circus Arli in 2013, just as they performed at Baldoni's Christmas Circus in 2013.

Flying diabolos. Katarina Markevich and Anton Tarbeev. Photo from Baldoni's Christmas Circus 2013.

Eduardo and Maria from the Czech Republic will do acrobatics an aerial moon, rola bola and juggling.

If you as a visitor to the summer editions of Circus Baldoni wonder what has become of the talking lion Leonardo, you get the explanation here: Leonardo is every year on Christmas holiday and replaced by the Christmas pig Anton Antonius

Pixie aka Daniel Dimitrijevic (also known as clowns Danilo) and the Christmas pig Anton Antonius

In addition to presenting 2 hours Christmas circus Circus Baldoni has also 3 units on tour to institutions, etc. with shorter performances under the name Circus Nissesjov (Pixie Fun). In the first unit the performers are Katerina Markevich and Anton Tarbeev, in the second Eduardo and Maria and in the third Jevgenijs Tomilov and his wife Natalje. The Tomilov couple is not included in Baldoni's Christmas Circus, but only in Circus Nissesjov.

In Skagen, Circus Krone has a single public Christmas show. It is November 22, where they perform in the culture centre Kappelborg. Among the performers are the clown Alando and the musical entertainer Henning Amstrup. Circus owner Irene Thierry is ringmistress and guides the audience safely through the show, all spiced with lots of heart-warming Christmas music, directed by Marc Thierry.

Several of the small circus and Benny Schumann has a number of sold Christmas performances.
"Crazy about Circus - people, animals and sensations" is the title of Circus Arena’s 2016 show. The show will be presented by Benny Berdino’s grandson Patrick Berdino. There's premiere at Bellahoj in Copenhagen on Wednesday 16 March 2+16. Circus Arena will stay at Bellahoj until Sunday 10 April 2016.

The names of the performers are not yet published.

The subtitle "people, animals and sensations" is often used by German circus ("Menschen, Tiere, Sensationen"). The term derives perhaps from the title of a German film from 1938, recorded in the Circus Sarrasani in Dresden.


Truxas Memorial Award to Kenny Quinn. Every year on the late magician Truxa's birthday on 7 November a memorial scholarship instituted by Truxa is awarded to notable artists and performers from Denmark and Sweden.

Truxa (Erik Kurt Bang, 1919-1996) was one of the most famous magicians in all Scandinavia.

This year the award is given to the Danish gentleman thief Kenny Quinn. The Danish Artist Union, which administers the scholarship, wanted to hand over the award to Kenny in connection with the event A magical night on 3 November. However, it was not possible because Kenny Quinn appeared in Stuttgart in Circus Corty Althoff. This engagement is now over, and the formal award ceremony will take place in the near future.

Kenny Quinn in action. Notice how he diverts the client's attention, while his hand is going down in the client’s pocket. Later he stole also the client’s clock and glasses ... Photo from Circus Arnardo’s performance in Oslo on April 26 this year 

The Danish Artist Union writes (my translation):

Kenny Quinn through his entire developed his ability to get close to the audience and put his hands into their pockets. In the guise of a well-dressed gentleman thief he steals from his audience watches, belt, wallets, cell phones and tie, while with great psychological experience and diversion technique, politely conversing through the surprising and entertaining gentleman thefts.

Kenny Quinn is a very experienced artist who throughout his career has been able to develop his act to fit the scenes and audiences across Europe. Danish Artist Union’s President, Lena Brostrom who is on the board behind the scholarship, is highlighting his high professional standards and elegant form of entertainment:

"It takes a strong talent and determination to be executive entertainer on the European stages and not least to be able to continue to renew himself in a long career. This Kenny Quinn masters and I am very pleased that we can honor Kenny's unique artistic craftsmanship."

Kenny Quinn got only 17-year apprenticeship as a show-pickpocket with the legendary Danish artist, Gentleman Jack. Since 1985 Kenny has worked as a professional pickpocket in circus and vaudeville scenes across Europe.

From December 19 to January 6, Kenny Quinn performs in Ravensburger Weihnachtscircus. From 9 January 2016 until the beginning of November 2016, he tours with Circus Vegas in Ireland and Scotland.

Patrick Berdino voted out of Strictly comes dancing. As mentioned on this website on Patrick Berdino of Circus Arena has this autumn taken part in the Danish version of the popular TV show Strictly comes dancing.

At the show on 30 October 6 couples was left. Among those Patrick Berdino and his partner Jenna Bagge (a professional dancer). The danced the Waltz. Patrick is probably better at Latin dances than at a classical dance. The jury gave them the evenings lowest score and following the result of the viewers' votes they and another couple had to participate in dance off.

After that viewers had voted about the dance off, the couple is out of the competition and must therefore be content with having achieved a 6th place. But when you see how talented the dancers in the competition are to be number 6 is not a bad result.

Jenna Bagge and Patrick Berdino. Partners in Strictly comes dancing, but not in private life

Halloween circus in Odense. On Sunday 1 November at 13:30 Odense's youth circus Circus Flik-Flak present Halloween circus for the entire family. The show features floating skeletons, amazing magic witches and lots of acrobats, jugglers etc.. A new and exciting performance where the performance's theme is Halloween with inspiration taken from the circus world.

There were also a number of special awards. Among others a special award to the clown Charlie Carletto (Carlos Alberto Peres), who the Danes met this summer in Circus Dannebrog, where they probably also can meet him in the coming season.

The city of Latina is situated 40 km. southeast of Rome and has about 115,000 residents. Although the Circus Festival in Monte Carlo is the world’s most prestigious circus festival with the festivals in Budapest and Massy on a second place, the circus festival in Latina has a good reputation and is regarded as one of the good festivals. Today there are a myriad of other circus festivals. Some of good quality and others where there is almost an abuse of the word festival.

Obludarium. Some contemporary circus performance can only be seen in the greater Copenhagen area. But sometimes such shows also visit the provinces. As part of the Festival of Wonders Jysk Music Theatre in Silkeborg present from 6 to 8 November the performance Obludarium with the Forman Brothers Theatre from Czech Republic.

The theatre writes:

Obludarium is a unique circus performance, combining marionettes, masks, dance and live music. In all there are 15 artistes on stage in the theatres own beautiful theatre building, built especially for this production.

The show is a sort of new circus with an old-fashioned atmosphere. A bit like watching an old movie with monsters and oddities like the bearded woman, the strongest man in the world, and so on.

The show moves gracefully between moments of slapstick humor and pure poetry. There are wonderful costumes, beautiful music and many surprises.

Experience dance, puppet manipulation and mask theatre done in ways you have probably never seen.

Festival of Wonder has previously presented this wonderful show. We are asked again and again to bring it back to Silkeborg. Here is your chance to see it - maybe your last chance.

To see a longer clip, which also shows the structure of the portable building, the show use: click here

Festival of Wonder is a puppet theatre festival for children and adults, which are held every second year in November. In the performance Obludarium you meet both puppets and live performers.

IT ALL HAPPENS IN PARIS  --  THEATRE CLAVEL proudly presents BENOIT ROSEMONT, magic entertainer, mentalist and  balloon artist  featuring a one hour long kids' - and family show,  making the children scream for joy and making the parents happy when they see that their offspring  is happy !Kids don't applaud spontaneously  - life has to be learnt !

BENOIT ROSEMONT is elegantly dressed in black trousers, black shoes, red waistcoat, white shirt and butterfly. The program is full of funny happenings, it is colorful, interesting for the age-group, full of surprises and performed at a brisk pace, but slowly enough to allow the smaller fry to follow. Interaction when a few kids are invited up on stage - makes for a good mood and a sympathetic atmosphere among the audience.

Benoit Rosemont and a girl from the audience. By courtesy of the artist

Points of interest: the small ones are here offered LIVE ENTERTAINMENT - and they thus see that this is a lot better than electronic features - they see a live artist on stage and they can communicate with him.

Christmas Circus in Helsinki. While there this year neither will be Christmas circus in the Swedish city Helsingborg or in the Swedish capital Stockholm, it seems that the Finns can see a Christmas Circus in the Finnish capital Helsinki. It is a new Finnish circus, Circus Tähti (Tähti means star), which will have performances in Helsinki from 9 to 13 December. The circus director is the magician Samir (Samir Abdelmeguid). Among the performers are the clown professor Bluffo, the ventriloquist and knife thrower Ari Lauanne, the diabolo juggler Aaro Kontio, the only 12-year-old trapeze star Sara Tolpo, Sampo the clown and the magician Samir with his partner Frida.

In Malmö in the southern part of Sweden you can in November and December see a show called Christmas Super Circus 2015 at the at the venue “Slagthuset” (the slaughterhouse). It is a nightclub show which apart from the name has nothing to do with a circus. However, there is a juggler and a magician in the show.

In Denmark, Baldoni's Christmas Circus has a number of performances in November and December.

Jimmy Enoch spends all of December with circus producer Elmar Kretz in Ravensburger Weinachtcircus. Jimmy tells (my translation): "I have the full responsibility for putting his tent properly up, prepared for the performance and after the last performance to take it down again ant get it to the winter quarters. I also have the task of overlooking the staff during the process of cleaning up the big top for the two shows running every day. I believe the tent can seat 2,000 people. In addition, I make my glass balance act ". As previously mentioned on this page also the Danish gentleman thief Kenny Quinn are among the performers at Ravensburger Weinachtcircus.

Circus Baldoni was not active during the autumn holiday. For they are busy getting ready for their Christmas circuses: Circus Pixie Fun, appearing with presold performances for institutions, etc. as well as Baldoni's Christmas Circus, which will have performances in different cities on selected days in November and December, including performances at the fencing hall at the Circus Museum in Hvidovre, Copenhagen, on 21 and 22nd November. In February Baldoni will go to the Faroe Islands with a magic show. There will also 

During the winter holiday in week 8 Circus Baldoni will produce a performance for a shopping centre in the Copenhagen suburb Ishoej. The summer season starts in mid-March. "This is our 15th season, so we are aiming to put together a performance that will surpass everything we have shown before," circus owner René Moenster promises.

Zirkus Nemo 2016. Zirkus Nemo is a mixture of a circus and a comedian show, owned by the popular Danish actor and comedian Soren Ostergaard, calling his show “Denmark's only Zirkus for adults!”

Season 2016 will last two weeks longer than season 2015 with opening day in Horsens on 20 April and closing day on 17 September in Odense.

Among the performers will apart from Soren Ostergaard himself be the crazy and hilarious rubber man Captain Frodo. Captain Frodo also appeared in Zirkus Nemo in 2014. His real name is Frodo Sandven. He was born in 1976 in Haugesund in Norway but lives today in Australia. He is the son of a Norwegian magician Finn Sandven with the artist name Santini.

A visit to Circusland during the autumn holidays. Circusland at Circus Arena's winter quarters at Aarslev had as usual open during the autumn holidays and park manager Suzanne Berdino are quite satisfied with numbers of visitors. As during the summer holidays the theme was Wild West with Indians and cowboys.

Circusland's strength is the many shows and activities - throughout the day, something happens every half hour.

At the entrance to the Circus Land you was during the autumn holidays welcomed by the chief Talking Waterfalls (Brian Behrendt) who throughout the day on an excellent manner served as barker for the various activities in Circusland.

My granddaughter Ida who is 7 years old started the day with pony ride. Then we saw the sea lion show where Stephanie Berdino with help of the experienced sea lion trainer Addie Jepsen presented two sea lions in the giant pool, which is said to be larger than pool the sea lions have in Copenhagen Zoo.

Stephanie dances with a sea lion. Maybe she wants just like her cousin Patrick is doing this autumn to participate in Strictly comes Dancing? Or is it the sea lion which want to take part in Strictly comes Dancing in 2016?

Next, Ida attended the outdoor circus school where Brian together Oliver Berdino and Preben Palsgaard helped the visiting children who wanted to try to make some circus tricks. For weather-related reasons, it would be an advantage if the circus school at least during the autumn and winter periods was an indoor activity. Particularly interested children were invited to participate in the afternoon's performance at Circus Landino. My granddaughter Ida joined immediately!

Next event was a Western Show, which usually takes place outdoors, but for weather-related reasons moved indoors. When Ida and I saw the show it was presented by Preben Palsgaard and Brian. Other days it was presented by Suzanne Berdino. The show which ran for approximately 20 minutes featured Indian riding with Brian on the beautiful tinker stallion Lord Wellington and Stephanie and Charmaine Berdino on two Arabian horses. Next came the sheriff Preben Palsgaard in the ring with a show with whip and lasso. The kids enjoyed it, although Preben’s performance perhaps not quite was on par with what I have seen at rodeos in the United States. Then Stephanie Berdino (some days her mother Suzanne) presented two ponies before Charmaine Berdino ended the show with school riding.

Chief "Talking Waterfall" aka Brian Behrendt and the sisters Charmaine and Stephanie Berdino was part of western show

A little later there was kids show in the playground area. The performers were Charmaine Berdino and Preben Palsgaard. First with an illusion (the one where the girl gets tied and come into a cabinet with a gentleman dressed with a jacket and soon after is coming out, still tied but with the jacket on). Next, hula hoop with Charmaine before Preben finished the show with a ventriloquist act which proved that he by far is Denmark's best ventriloquist.

Preben Palsgaard spellbound children during children's show

Next activity was the about 30-minute long show at Circus Landino. Ida and another invited child swung with hula hoop ring before Circus Arena’s chef animal trainer Tim Delobosq presented 6 beautiful white Arabian horses. Circus Arena’s Pierrot Ib Groth Rasmussen had a short magic entrée - the one with the duck which pick up the right card. Next Suzanne Berdino, who also was ringmaster, came in the ring with five dogs who in a car were driven into the ring by her husband Daniel. Also one of Suzanne's daughters helped during the act. Next act was Suzanne's son Oliver, who has developed to be a talented juggler with charisma. Despite a few drops it was a fine act where you are looking forward to follow the young talents future development. The summer of 2015 Oliver spent with in the small Norwegian Circus Minimax. Then he visited Iceland and the Faroe Islands with Circus Baldoni. In early October he was on Greenland with Circus Arena. The circus performance at Circus Landino ended with camels and llamas presented by Tim Delbosq. Circus Arena bought these animals a few years ago and they are still being trained by the skilled chief animal trainer.

Tim Delbosq with 6 beautiful white Arabian horses. Click here to see more photos from Circusland.

Later in the day it was again pony rides in the training ring, sea lion show in the pool and children show in the playground area.

Circusland offered no performing elephants during the autumn holiday as Circus  Arenas 3 elephants currently are in Italy. The elephant act was recently awarded one of the awards at VI MIEDZYNARODOWY Festiwal Talentów Cyrku Korona in Poland.

Circusland’s playground offers Funn Balls, swing boats, a small train, a children's carousel and a few moon bounces.

Also Jacob Boas Leitisstein of the website Cirkusportalen visited Circus Land during the autumn holiday and shot some outdoor photos. To see Jacobs photos: click here


The Danish Open Air Museum's Historical Fair during the autumn holidays presented a number of old-fashioned amusements: swing boats, skittle alley etc. as well as stalls selling food and drink. Furthermore, there was in the morning a short performance with the clown Joye. In the afternoon you met the actor Peter Aude with magical entertainment.

18 October 2015

IT ALL HAPPENS IN PARIS   ---   here you find a PREVIEW of coming events, based on previous experience.

PARIS AIME LE CIRQUE / PARIS LOVES CIRCUS/ means that many circus productions find their way to Paris, which probably has more circus events than any other city in Europe.

Curator Mikkel Knudsen from the Circus Museum says that The little Circusgiant is one of the few of the contemporary circus performances he has seen which also is suitable for children. And there was no doubt that the approximately 100 children in the age from 5 to 9 years who Tuesday saw the performance were captured by story Joel told and the way in which it was told. In the show you saw in addition to the tricks in cyr wheel also some acrobatics and diabolo juggling. A nice performance. However I would have preferred if the artist had used a more colorful costume than a faded, green polo T-shirt and a pair of khaki shorts. And something more exciting than the grey dress - his big brother's pajama top - he used during the final part of the act.

The children enjoyed when the diabolo got stuck in Joel's stomach


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