Topless Women and Pedestrian Plazas Will Stay in Times Square

Topless Women and Pedestrian Plazas Will Stay in Times Square CITY HALL — Both the pedestrian plazas and topless ladies of Times Square aren't going anywhere. A task force appointed by Mayor Bill de Blasio has agreed to the idea of designated areas for the women and costumed characters to solicit tips from tourists, but the details have yet to be worked out. On the John Gambling show on Thursday, the mayor called the idea of sanctioning off the Times Square area "a very strong recommendation," adding the plan was still being finalized. De Blasio then added that Times Square performers, such as the costume characters and the "desnudas", should be considered as businesses and therefore conform to city regulations and pay taxes. "The goal is that, if it’s a business, it’s a business, and it should be treated like any other business," he said. De Blasio appointed the task force, which examined a series of recommendations from a panel of elected official...